Who Knew (Discreet)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, but I gotta talk to you about somethin else too." Marshall started, letting out a sigh.


"Paul called me today and told me my mom is suing me." He informed me, I was surprised. I never thought Debbie would do that, especially to her own son.

"For what?!" 

 "For the song  'My Name is'  because of the shit I said about her." Marshall told me,  

"What? Are you serious? What the hell, what the fuck did you even say for her to be able to sue you?" I shouted in pure shock and anger. 

"For that lyric 'I just found out my mom does more dope than I do' and that's not even the craziest part, she's suing for $10 Million dollars for slander."  Marshall continued. 

"Oh my gosh, are you fuckin kidding?! I can't even believe her! Seriously? Fucking 10 million?!" I started shouting again in disbelief. I can't believe she was really doing this, she would sue her own son for 10 million dollars.

"Shhh, Imma handle it.  Just don't worry about it okay babe?  I'll fuckin deal with it.  How about you walk that sexy ass over there and show me what you got for our wedding."  Marshall tried to smile through the bullshit. I know he was still really fucked up over it but I also know how strong of a person he is, he will get through it and I'll be by his side no matter what. 

June 1999   

  I was so excited because today is the day I get to marry Marshall, finally after all this sneaking around behind the media and everything.
I honestly don't think they have any idea that we were still together and actually getting married. Marshall and I had a private event at our Sterling Heights home, we had just our closest friends and family attending.

I was up in the master bathroom getting ready while Marshall got ready in one of the guest rooms and bathrooms. Heidi and my mother were sitting in the bathroom with me talking while I finished my hair and makeup before I had to put my dress on.  It was nothing crazy or anything over the top by any means simple but still very beautiful. 

(example of dress)

Heidi and my mother helped me with it and made sure I look perfect on my wedding day, I still can't believe that this is really happening.  I knew from the moment I met Marshall that I wanted to spend my life with him.  Everything felt right when I was with him and knew that we would always be there for each other.   

All my thoughts cleared when they cleared away from the huge floor-length mirror we had in our bedroom and that's when I caught the first glimpse of myself. I tried not to start crying but honestly, it was so hard not to knowing that in less than 2 hours I would be married to Marshall. 

I held back my tears and we made our way to the top of the staircase, I knew that everyone would be in the backyard where everything was all moved around and arranged for the guests and thank goodness there were high enough wooden fences to protect against prying eyes.  

My mom went down the stairs to make sure everything was prepared for the ceremony to begin, and when my mom gave me the thumbs up Heidi helped me down the stairs so I wouldn't trip on my dress.  I waited around the corner so I knew no one would see me. Soon after I hear the instruments start playing and I knew that meant Heidi and Nate my maid of honor and Marshall's best man started walking down the aisle and met Marshall at the end before they split ways, then the wedding March came on and I slowly started to make my way out of the back doors where I was met by my dad who was waiting for me. I put my arm around his and we started slowly walking up the aisle. 

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