Chapter 24 - After the First Battle

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Do you ever wonder how authors come up with names for their OCs? Here's how I came up with the names of the friends of the Garmadon Ranch cowboys:

Rowan Birk (the bank teller) - a modification of the name Kirby Morrow, the actor who does the voice of Cole

Michael Donlan (Double S Ranch cowboy) - a modification of the name Michael Landon, an actor from the 1960s and 1970s who played roles in the Western-themed TV shows Bonanza and Little House on the Prairie

Robinson Murphy (Double S Ranch cowboy) - the name of an actual Civil War soldier who won a Congressional Medal of Honor for gallant service in a battle near Atlanta, Georgia

Rusty McKanna (Double S Ranch cowboy) - McKanna is the surname of an actual Midwestern pioneer family, and Rusty is a name I happened to like!

See Chapters 40 and 41 of The Fire Within a Ninjago Cowboy to read the original accounts of publishing the wedding announcement and serving barbecue at the wedding reception. Both are mentioned below.

In the chapter below, bad wartime happenings are mentioned, but nothing beyond the guidance rating of this story...

Chapter 24 - After the First Battle

Yelling. Screaming. Grunts. Horses. Gunfire. Cannons. Smoke. Blood. Bodies. Riding. Running.


Images of today's battle replayed in Cole's mind as he sat just outside his sleep tent at twilight, playing sad, soulful tunes on his harmonica. In the tents all around him, soldiers were busy packing up their bedrolls and belongings. The Yellow Army was preparing to retreat and relocate its camp to a more northerly location, farther from Jamanakai Village in the south of Ninjago and nearer to the central area of the country.

Today, the Yellows had just been soundly defeated as they attempted to retake Jamanakai from the Purple Army, who had occupied the rural hamlet for two months. The call to retreat from the battlefield had been issued in the early afternoon, after only four hours of fighting.

The clash was bloody, and Company C of the 5th Ninjago Volunteer Cavalry Regiment participated in the suffering.

Robinson Murphy, a cowboy from the Double S Ranch, was killed by cannon fire.

Rowan Birk, the mild-mannered teller at the Ninjago Town Community Bank, lost an arm to a minie ball. He was currently recovering from the amputation in the field hospital.

And Michael Donlan, another Double S Ranch ranch hand, was missing and believed captured by the enemy. His horse had been found shot dead by multiple bullets.

After today's devastating loss, the Yellow Army now found itself in a defensive position. The leaders decided to pull the forces back to a location halfway between Jamanakai and Ouroborus, the main city in central Ninjago. This would mean that the village of Ignacia would be left unprotected, but it was felt that the sacrifice would have to be made for the greater good of keeping Ouroborus in Yellow hands. That city's central location naturally made it the transportation hub of Ninjago, and thus a valuable asset.

Jay bustled around inside the sleep tent he shared with Cole, packing up his war bag. The two of them had not exchanged many words after the battle, each being occupied with his own thoughts.

But Jay was noticing the lengthening shadows cast by the sun as it neared the western horizon. "Better get a move on, Cole, and pack your bag," Jay finally spoke. "Captain Noonan said we needed to be ready to ride at sundown, remember?"

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