Rooftops and Swimming Pools

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Callie's POV
I've been staying at Niall's hotel for a few days and I can honestly admit they have been the most crazy, but best days of my life. All of the boys are super nice and Liam went out with Sophia the other day. I can tell that they really like each other. Niall and I spent the days in the pool that's on the roof, or exploring the city. I feel like we have known each other forever.

At the moment I was laying on the couch, scrolling through Instagram, I found it funny how Niall followed me back (I was following him, obviously) and every girl went crazy. I was getting messages and hate mail as to why he followed me and if I was his new love interest. Many people would think I'm crazy for finding this funny, but I knew what it was like to be them so I shrugged it off. Niall walked into the room from his bedroom. "Do you wanna go up and go swimming with the boys?"
"Sure, babe just lemme get my suit on," I said running to my room. Niall and I had made a quick trip back to my place to grab some clothes. I loved swimming on the roof. It was so thrilling and exciting. Unfortunately, I am very clumsy and tripped on my foot as I was running. Niall began to laugh before I let out a painful moan. With a look of worry on his face, he ran over to me and scooped me up in his arms. "Are you okay?! I didn't mean to laugh! Is it broken-"
"Niall I'm fine," I giggled at how concerned he was. All of a sudden there was a quick knock on the door, before Harry barged into our room.
"Niall I can't find my suit did you take- Ooh am I interrupting something?" He deviously smirked.
I blushed as Niall set me back down on the floor. "No we were just about to get ready. And I haven't seen your suit, sorry."

Harry left with a frown on his face. Once the door was shut, Niall burst into laughter.
"What's so funny?!" I questioned not knowing where the laughter was coming from.
"Nothing, love." I still got butterflies in my stomach every time he called me that. I resumed my mission to get my swimming suit on. It was coral, with silver sequined stripes covering it. After I finished changing I went out to see that Niall was also ready.
"Race you to the pool" were his last words before I took off for the door and squealed as I turned around and saw him only steps away.

Sorry that it's kinda short, but I didn't feel like writing anymore. And sorry that I never update, but I'm working on it. Authors notes are weird so I'm gonna go now. Btw they will probably be at the end of chapters now. Okay now I'm really gonna go.

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