Come With Me

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Niall's POV

I watched a single tear trickle down her cheek. She wasn't bawling, but she wasn't fine either. I could tell she was trying to hold it in. I was in complete shock. How could someone do this to such an amazing girl? And what was there reasoning? It didn't make sense to me. I don't know how I got the courage to do so, but I felt the need to console her. So I walked closer to her and wrapped my arms around her frail body. My chin was resting on her shoulder and I was whispering in her ear.

"Everything will be okay, we will figure out who did this. Please don't cry Cal," I tensed up at the end because of the nickname I had given her. I hoped she didn't mind. I wondered if she had a clue as to who would do something like this to her. Finally, after what seemed like hours, she spoke.

"Thank you Niall."

"For what?"

"For trying to comfort me and for being here for me and just everything."

"Don't worry about it," I replied.

"Do you know anyone who would do something like this?"

"Not that I can think of."

"I think we should go to the police," I thought to myself a little to loudly. She instantly jerked out of my arms and turned around.

"No, no can we not go tonight? I will handle it in the morning." However, I was not going to let her stay here by herself, when a person could walk through the door at any minute.

"Well if you want, you can come and stay at my hotel," I said not really taking into consideration that I recently met her. "Oh no I wouldn't want to trouble you with that" she responded. We bickered back and forth until she finally agreed to come back to my car with me.

We sat in the car in complete silence. It was uncomfortable though, just nice I guess. When we arrived back at my hotel, I called for Paul to come and escort us into the building. After waiting for a few minutes there was a coded knock on my window. Callie jumped in the seat behind me. "It's just Paul, don't worry babe," I said trying to calm her down.

" Did you just, just call me babe?"

"Erm, ya is that okay with you?"

"Definitely." I giggled internally at her response. After realizing Paul was still outside, I quickly opened the door and stepped out, telling Callie to stay in the car. Once I was out of the vehicle, Paul asked me if I was ready to go inside. Shoot. I forgot to tell him about Callie. This probably won't go over well. "Well, um my friend erm Callie here, well she's kinda waitin in the car and erm-" Paul saved me from my awkwardness by opening up the drivers side door. Callie looked startled at the strange man opening the door. "Can she stay with us for the night Paul? Please I will explain later." "Fine Niall but no funny business," he responded jokingly. Paul then extended his hand out to Callie and she shook it.

"So you must be Callie."

"Yes, sir."

"You don't have to Callie me sir, Paul will work just fine," he laughed in a deep tone. Callie climbed out of the car and Paul guided us to the side of the hotel. The fans were beyond crazy tonight.

After sneaking through the hotel and up to our floor, I led Callie to my room. I opened the door and told Paul I would come and speak with him later. Callie followed me into my suite, and she immediately gasped at how big it was. " This place is huge!" she stated. " Ya it's pretty big," I shrugged. I guess I was just used to it. After she gaped at everything in my room for a good twenty minutes, I showed her what room she could stay in.

"Thanks, Niall it really means a lot to me."

"Don't worry about it. My room is down the hall if you need anything, but I have to go and talk to Paul for a little bit. Make yourself at home," I said before she thanked me and I walked out of the room.

I was standing outside Paul's door thinking how much information I should really tell him. He didn't give me much time though, because the door swung open. "Are you gonna explain to me know why you brought a girl back without giving me any forewarning?"

"Im really sorry, I guess I wasn't just thinkin when it happened. I mean I was dropping her off, and then all of a sudden we saw that her door was busted in and the windows where smashed," I told him the rest of the story in complete detail and begged him not to tell the boys. "Okay fine, she can stay for us as long as she needs to. Let's just hope the media doesn't find out about this."

"Thanks Paul," I said whilst trying to give him the manlyist hug possible.

"Ya, ya Niall. Now can I try to get some sleep?" I guess I hadn't realized how late it had gotten.

I walked back to my room, and checked to see how Callie was doing. She was already sound asleep, bundled up in the pile of blankets on her bed. I walked into my bedroom and changed into sweats before climbing into bed and drifting in to what I could already tell, was gonna be a terrible nights sleep.

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