Claiming Callie

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Callie's POV

I was stunned. So does this mean he feels the same way I do? I hope it does. He was looking at me with a hint of confusion, hope, sadness and frustration. I had no idea what to say. This world famous superstar-who I'm going on my first "date" with-just told me he feels something for me. I guess I should do something, he is starting to look upset. However, I was at a loss for words so all I could accomplish doing was grinning stupidly at him. Apparently that's all he needed for reassurance because I saw his beautiful white teeth peak out from his perfect smile. Finally I decided it was time for me to say something. I mean I couldn't stare at his perfect smile forever. "Well um I was hoping you would say something but I kinda feel the same thing whenever I'm around you too," I quietly stated.
"Really?" he said excitement and question clear in his voice. I don't know why he is so nervous, I mean he does perform in front of thousands of people at every concert. Shouldn't I be the one who was super nervous. "Yes," I responded. Boy did I sound stupid right now.
"Well okay then."
I could tell that this was gonna be my most awkward ride to Starbucks. My phone started to beep.

Anonymous POV

I told her to stay away from him. Was that to much to ask? I knew I had to keep her away from him. She was mine. So, I pulled out my phone and sent her a simple text. I did it this way since I knew she was with him.

To: Callie <3

I thought I told you to stay away from him?!??!

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