Strange Feelings

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Callie's POV

I am so excited! Today is the day when I am actually going to meet One Direction! It has always been a dream of mine! Sophia is planning on picking me up at 5:00 so I decide to go and get ready since it was 4:30. I quickly ran into my closet and grabbed my One Direction t-shirt with Niall's face plastered on the front. After digging through the piles of clothes on my closet floor I finally found a clean pair of jeans . I guess you could say I'm not a very organized person. Then going as quickly as possible I ran into the bathroom and plugged in my hair straightener. My hair was thick and brown so it took a while to straighten. After fifteen minutes of trying to straighten my hair I gave up and went to find my converse. I had a major obsession with them. Then the doorbell rang. I squealed and ran to the door, unlocking it and flinging it open. Unfortunately I was not greeted by Sophia's warm smile. In stead it was my neighbor, Kyle, who was always getting my packages. He glared at me and handed me the package before turning around and stomping away. I shouted after to him as sarcastically as possible " nice to see you too, Kyle!" before he slammed his door behind him. Not much longer after Kyle's rude exchange Sophia finally showed up. She grinned at me and I looked her up and down until we both burst out laughing. We had the exact same outfit on except her shirt had a picture of Liam on it instead. " This is so amazing I can't believe I won!" I said through the huge smile on my face. And with that we were off to the concert.

Niall's POV

It was like the beginning of every other concert. We would get dressed up and get are hair done. Then we would go out for sound check and practice a few songs. Perrie was with Zayn backstage since it was her only day off. We all were happy for him it just made me feel so much more lonelier. I've been having dreams about singing on stage and then seeing the girl I want to marry standing in the very first row. I can hardly remember the dream now. It was time to go on stage now. We walked out into the arena full of screaming fans. I still could not believe that millions of girls were in love with us yet I don't even have a girlfriend. But deep down inside me I had a strange feeling that somehow maybe that would change tonight.

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