Awkward Silences

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Callie's POV

I can't believe this is happening. How could he be watching me? Why would he want to watch me? It's not like I do anything interesting. I mean my life is the same every single day. So why has he been watching me? I feel like I am blowing this way out of proportion. He was probably just kidding. I never thought that he would be a stalker. Just thinking about it made me shiver. Then I remembered. I was supposed to meet Niall! I exclaimed to myself "Oh why did you have to choose me to do this to!". When I was alone I had a tendency to talk to myself. While I was having an internal battle with myself, contemplating if Friends or The Big Bang Theory was better, the doorbell rang. I huffed and got up to go and answer it. He was standing in front of me shaking, his cheeks bright red from blushing. I don't know why he was I didn't even say anything. To end the awkward stares I decided I would be the one to talk first.
"Um hey, Niall."

"Oh my gosh. Erm... I mean wow you look amazing," he stated while his cheeks turned cherry red.
"Not to bad yourself," I giggled in response. Then I mentally slapped myself. Who says that you idiot? Now he probably thinks your a freak!
"Callie, erm Callie?"
"What I'm sorry I must of zoned out."
"Oh okay. Well I was asking if you were ready?"
"Oh um yah just erm hang on a sec." Wow I am awkward. Why did I have to be such an awkward human being? I grabbed my purse and walked out the door. I quickly looked around to make sure Kyle was nowhere. He really freaked me out.

Niall's POV

Wow. She looked amazing. I felt like I was staring at her for hours. How did she become so beautiful? I think it's unnatural for a person to look so. Flawless. She must of noticed me shaking because she started to talk. After an awkward conversation we left her house and walked to my car. It was 4:01 pm. I was exactly on time. I still felt that feeling deep down inside of me that I couldn't quite figure out. I really wish I could ask her if she felt anything either. But then I remind myself how stupid that would be. I can't ask a girl I just met if she gets this strange feeling whenever we make I contact. I must have been zoned out for awhile because Callie was trying very hard to get my attention.
"Niall? Are you okay? Nia-"
"Yah I'm fine, sorry. Is Starbucks ok?"
"It's perfect!" Callie said excitedly. What was up with girls and their Starbucks?
For about five minutes there was complete awkward silence in my car. I decided it would be best if I turned the radio on.
Ironically my band was playing. I turned and saw a huge grin plastered on Callie's face. She was acting very normal for being a fan. I started to sing along and that earned me small giggles from Callie. I smiled. The strange feeling got even stronger. I needed to ask her if she felt it. Otherwise my curiosity will eat me alive.
I turned the radio off.
"Um Callie can I ask you something? It's kinda strange and I don't want you to freak out but-..."
"Of course you can. What is it?"
"Well um I kinda have this strange feeling whenever I'm around you and it seems to get stronger by the second and I don't really know what it is. Oh gosh now I'm rambling." I looked over to see that Callie's face was completely pale. Oh no. I scared her. What have I done? It was way to soon. I was about to completely lose it when I saw a small grin form on her face.


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