Big Preparations

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Niall's POV

I opened my eyes and saw the gleaming sun shining through the windows. It looked almost like heaven shining through and it reassured me that today was going to be a good day. I walked over to my temporary closet and pulled out a clean pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. I also put socks onto my freezing feet.  I walked into the kitchen and realized I had eaten all of my food, so I crossed the hall and snuck into Harry's room. He always had food laying around. The lights were still off so I figured he was still sleeping. Quietly tiptoeing to the kitchen, I snooped through the cabinets until I found a box of Lucky Charms. I grabbed the box and ran out of the room without waking up Harry. While walking back to my room I couldn't help but notice the amount of rooms on this floor. There were at least fifty! I almost forgot which one was mine. When I was back in my room I started to eat the cereal. I almost ate the whole entire box when I realized that if I did eat the whole thing and Harry found out he would not be very happy. So I sealed up the rest of the box and went to watch television in the living room. 

Callie's POV

I could not believe I was going out with Niall Horan! It's not everyday when a world known superstar asks you out! I really hope it goes well and that I get to see him again! He seems to perfect unlike someone so simple like me. I do have all of their songs memorized and I practically know everything about it him. I jumped out of bed and walked across the ice cold floor in my bedroom. I had way more clothes than an average human would need. I walked into my oversized walk in closet. One wall was completly covered in skirts and dresses. The wall across from it was covered in my shirts and pants. And finally the back wall was completly covered in shoes. Most of them were converse-I had over twenty pairs- and the rest were flats, heels and flip flops. My biggest obsession was probably shoes. I changed into a floral skater dress and a pair of my white converse before I went into the bathroom to do my make up. I normally didn't wear a lot, usually just mascara. Otherwise I felt fake and gross covered in all of the make up. I ran back into my bedroom to grab my phone and called Sophia to ask her if she was going out with Liam soon. I thought I was going to get sent to voicemail, when she finally picked up. " What do you want Callie," she said in her grogy morning voice. 

" I'm sorry did I wake you? I will call you back later."

" Nope, I'm up now. What do you want?"

"I was just wondering if you were gonna see Liam or not before they leave."

"Yah probably today or tomorrow depending on his schedule."

"Okay, thanks. I will call you back after I go out with Niall."

"Your seeing him today?!" She screamed into the phone excitedly. I replyed the same way and we exchanged goodbyes before hanging up. I was so ready for today. I couldn't believe that this was actually happening. I could already tell this was going to be the best day of my life. But that was when the doorbell rang. I went to answer it and almost jumped backwards when I saw Kyle standing in the doorway. "You can't see him." he said. I stood there with a confused look on my face before I asked him what he was talking about. He replied by saying "I've been watching your every move, Callie. And you are not seeing Niall Horan today or ever. But if you do, your going to wish you hadn't." I slammed the door in his face and fell to the ground against the wall. The conversation played through my mind.

But if you do, your going to wish you hadn't. 

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