Only Chances

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Callie's POV

He was staring at me for the longest time. I felt like he was searching through the depths of my mind. And that's when there was a strange feeling inside of me. I couldn't quite tell what it was.
The concert was absolutely amazing. They just finished the encore and Sophia and I were getting ready to meet the band backstage. We both still couldn't believe this was happening! We found are way backstage and a guard told us it would be a few minutes before they were ready. It felt like we were waiting for hours when I suddenly heard Louis's voice " calm down it was probably just nerves, it's not like there was anything special about her. She probably didn't even feel what you felt." Then you could here Niall say " I don't think it was just something random. It felt I don't know, special I guess?" When they turned the corner Niall's eyes locked with mine and the strange feeling I felt when he was looking at me before was back.

Niall's POV

There she was. Standing before me with her friend. I felt huge butterflies in my stomach. She was the prettiest girl I have ever seen. We were staring at each other for seconds that felt like decades. She was the one that finally looked away. Before I had a chance to introduce myself Harry was already shaking her hand which turned into a hug. He was always such a flirt. I noticed how big she smiles and how her smile was by far the prettiest one I have ever seen. I walked up to her and she told me her name was Callie. "Nice to meet you I'm Niall, but I think you already know that." I said glancing down at her shirt. She was definitely a fan of me and that made me like her even more. She blushed and looked down at her shirt. " Yah maybe just a little" she said nervously. I barely realized that we were the same height. You could here her friend, whose name I learned was Sophia, exclaim " I can't believe I am finally meeting you!" and Liam's face turned dark red. She asked him how Danielle was and he turned pale. " Um we kinda broke up and I think it's over" he said. I can't believe he was telling a fan before he told me and the boys! " Oh my god I'm so sorry!" she said before staring at the ground. "Yah but would you like to hang out sometime? We are in LA for a couple of weeks taking a break?" I couldn't believe he got over Danielle so quick! At least he was trying to move on by asking Sophia. By the looks of it they had already became friends and exchanged phone numbers. we were running out of time and would need to go to the van soon. So the girls were escorted out of the room. " It was nice to meet you" I said before they could leave. After a couple of seconds I realized I just made a huge mistake by letting Callie go. " Callie wait!" She turned around smiling.
"Well...erm... I was kinda wondering if maybe we could talk sometime?"
"I would love to Niall!" she said while I was giving her my number. We exchanged goodbyes and her and Sophia left. I could not help it but smile as she walked away.

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