Chapter 38 ➛Love Finds A Way

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I stared at his face with tears in my eyes.

''W-where's Tom?'' I choked out, remembering the argument we had had before I had blacked out.

He might hate me but I was still worried about him. He was my little brother and that would never change.

Grindelwald looked at the ground with a little guilt showing on his face. ''I suppose he ran off after he saw the dragon,'' he said, receiving a soft hoot of disagreement from Owyn. Probably because he didn't like being called 'the dragon'.

He ignored it and continued, ''I've sent out several search parties. Don't worry, we'll find him.''

I rested my head against the pillow, trying to relax. Was it all over now? Were we safe? Would I be able to live a fair and normal, happy life from now on without actually killing the people around me?

I couldn't answer any of these questions and that frustrated me. But not for very long because after several minutes I drifted off into a light slumber.

His smiling face being the last thing I saw before I was engulfed in darkness.

He sighed softly and leaned back against the chair. Relief had flooded inside of him and he watched you sleep with a furrowed brow.

She survived, Owyn said his gaze fixed on you. He took off and settled on the edge of the bed, catching his attention.

She was prepared to die for you, he said his voice rising a bit. Was it distrust?

Grindelwald stared into his eyes intently. ''She was. And I would have never forgiven myself if she actually did,'' he hissed, assuring Owyn he had never had bad intentions concerning you.

Owyn's stare softened.

I can sense your honesty. I think she hasn't mistaken you for someone you're not, he said his tone softly turning gentle.

''I'm glad you don't hate me completely. It would make this a lot harder,'' he said staring at the owl with a small smirk.

Suddenly he saw some slight movement behind Owyn and he looked at the row of beds opposite them.

He stared at the bed that Queenie occupied at the moment and he gently let go of your hand, before standing up and slowly making his way towards her bed.

Curiosity exploded in his mind and he couldn't help but notice her move again.

Suddenly she sat upright, making him gasp in surprise. She looked around with a disorientated look before her gaze settled on him.

''What happened?'' she asked staring at him with slight fascination before noticing you laying in the bed on the other side of the room.

''Oh my god, what happened to (Y/N)?'' she asked concerned trying to examine you from afar.

Once he had overcome his shock he neared her and started explaining what had happened. She watched him with a fascinated, yet anxious look as the events of the past few weeks started to sink in.

When he finished Queenie glanced at me again and then at him. She looked at me with a guilty expression.

''Why were you so angry with her before all of this happened?'' he asked suddenly. ''It has been bothering me and (Y/N) has never really told me.''

Queenie frowned and looked at him with a questioning look. ''I can't remember being angry with her,'' she said, staring at the window.

''All I remember is that I told (Y/N) about the letter Tina had sent me. After that everything's just a blur, sir,'' she said innocently returning her gaze to him.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now