Chapter 33 ➛Beauty is Love

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That night at dinner I was still feeling a little tipsy from that midday. I hadn't drunk an abnormal amount of alcohol, but enough to make me forget about my troubles for a second.

I was pricking into my vegetables with my fork and rolled them over. I wasn't hungry, not in the slightest. I was feeling uncomfortable because it felt like everyone was watching me.

I tugged at Grindelwald's sleeve, who sat next to me, to catch his attention. He watched me with a questioning look. ''Can I be excused?'' I asked softly. He glanced at my plate and I knew he was going to say no because I had barely eaten. But instead, he turned to me and nodded.

He placed a soft kiss on my forehead in front of everyone and I smiled.

I glanced at Tom before leaving and nodded to let him know everything was alright.

I didn't have a clue what to do now. I had a knot in my stomach and felt troubled. My mind was hazy and there were only two things I could think about: Owyn and Grindelwald, the two I would like to forget for a few moments.

The newspaper kept flashing in my mind as did the picture of Gellert lying motionless on the ground.

I sighed and rounded a corner but bumped into someone. I fell backward and shrieked.

I looked up at the person and rubbed my back. ''My apologies,'' the man said offering a hand. I took it and he pulled me up.

''It wasn't my intention to knock you off your feet, Ms.(L/N),'' he said apologetically. I shook my head and wiped my dress clean. ''How do you know my name?'' I asked suspiciously, looking at him.

He chuckled a little at that. ''Who doesn't? You and the greatest wizard of all times. Of course I know your name.'' He smiled and stuck out his hand. I shook it and watched him uncertainly. ''I'm Charlie. Charlie Porter.''

I looked at him in surprise and raised an eyebrow. ''The potion master?''

If this was really the potion master Grindelwald told me about, that meant I wouldn't have to worry for the rest of my life.

I examined him and he looked different than I expected. He was the same height as me, lean and wore glasses. He had light freckles and brown hair.

He nodded proudly. ''That I am.''

I felt a jolt of excitement. ''Where were you going to have so much haste?'' I asked, hoping it was something that could wait.

''I was late for dinner. One of my experiments took longer than expected.''

I nodded understandingly. ''Could you meet me in the library after dinner?'' I asked trying to conceal my excitement. He watched me quizzically. ''There's something I need you to do. It's very important, I will explain everything later. Please?'' I pouted.

He chuckled and nodded. ''OK. But the library is huge, where do you want me to go?'' he asked when he realized the size of the library.

''At the entrance. I will be waiting for you there.''

He nodded and was about to walk away. ''Oh, and don't tell anyone.''

He nodded and smiled one last time before he continued to the hall where now everyone was still having dinner.

Half an hour had passed and you were starting to grow a little impatient. When you had left, they had already been halfway through dinner. Why was it taking so long?

You leaned against the wall and stared down at the end of the corridor.

''Dear, you've been standing there for half an hour now. Is everything alright?'' Ms.Price asked you softly. She was the librarian and had always been nice to you whenever you came by.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum