Chapter 27 ➛Heart, We Will Never Forget Him

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I was completely frozen in place and was only brought back to reality by footsteps closing in. I looked at Tom next to me who watched me in confusion, and I just took the Time-Turner and followed the instructions Grindelwald had given.

The tingling feeling returned again and I watched people rushing past us as we went back in time. Back to the year where he was still alive.

The tingling faded and I glanced around, trying to find Gellert.

I saw him stand at the end of the alley, his back turned to me. He heard my footsteps approaching and turned around. I jumped into an embrace, tears prickling my eyes at what shocking news I had just received.

He looked past me and saw Tom standing some feet away.

''Let's get back to Nurmengard,'' he muttered, taking my hand and approaching Tom.

At first, he seemed a little frightened, not quite understanding what had just happened.

I nodded and held out my hand toward Tom. ''Let's go home,'' I whispered smiling slightly, trying to hide the hurt from what I knew what was going to happen.

Grindelwald just stood beside me, watching me and my brother together. He seemed to be happy with the result of how I and Tom seemed to socialize.

He took my hand hesitantly, and we disapparated back to Nurmengard.

We appeared in Grindelwald's office and I couldn't help but immediately sit down. I felt an increasing weight on my chest, and tears came to my eyes that threatened to spill.

Even though the fact that the riddle of who Jonathan has been working for was solved, it couldn't take away the pain in my heart.

I needed to prevent this from happening, and I was going to succeed. I wouldn't just let him die. I would have nothing to live for. Nothing at all.

Grindelwald reversed our disguising spells. Now we were back to normal and Tom was staring at us in surprise. But especially at Grindelwald, and I knew why.

In 1938 Grindelwald has died, so there'd be no way for him to be there, though there he was. Tom's brow furrowed in confusion as he closed his eyes. ''Where am I exactly?'' he asked looking into Gellert's multicoloured eyes.

''In Nurmengard,'' he said softly.

''As (Y/N) here.'' he beckoned towards me. ''went to get you, I have waited for you. You are a special young man, with special powers. Powers that cannot be found everywhere. You possess very powerful magic, and magic only blooms in rare souls. And you Tom, are the key to our victory.''

Tom was listening intently to the explanation about the magical world and the non-magical world. The differences between us and the Ministry, and why we were the ones striving for the right.

I couldn't help but stare at Grindelwald all the time. Only wondering in horror that he would be gone in ten years. I would be alone again and my life would become the bottomless pit I sometimes imagined.

When Gellert finished talking he turned to me. ''I suppose (Y/N) will bring you to your room. Tomorrow we will start your first lesson,'' he said, looking at me and smiling softly.

''Yeah, sure. Come on, kid.'' I stood up and was about to leave the room after Tom, but Grindelwald called me back.

''Hey, are you alright?'' he asked taking my arm before I left. ''Yeah, I'm fine.'' I faked a smile and looked back down trying to avoid his gaze, knowing that he'd see right through my acting if I looked into his eyes.

''You're not okay. I know you're not. You've been all shaken and sad ever since you returned.''

He looked at my face. ''Has it got something to do with the boy?''

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now