Chapter 37 ➛You're My Everything

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Grindelwald's P.O.V (third person)

His eyes opened to the clang of jaws slamming into each other. It took him some time to overcome the disorientation he was experiencing, but once he did, he noticed you laying on the ground, eyes closed and robes soaked with dark red spots.

Once the realization hit him, he gasped and sat upright, shifting you so your head was resting on his lap and he could hold you in his arms.

Tears started to sting his eyes as he watched you in panic. 

His eyes blurred with tears but he didn't wipe them away. Trying to focus on the present situation.

He quickly scanned the ground for his wand and found it several yards away. He was about to lunge for it when suddenly he was interrupted by the gigantic black dragon that had landed just in front of him not too far away from his wand.

He watched it intently and hugged your limp body against him, ready to protect you in any way he could.

The dragon took a few steps forward but didn't seem like it was about to attack. It stopped a yard or three away and seemed to be having intense eye contact with Grindelwald.

She saved you.

He was still staring at the dragon, but now suddenly realized that something about it wasn't quite right.

"What do you mean?" he said gravely, looking into the gem-like red eyes.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure that out yourself. But if I were you, I would hurry. She hasn't got much time left by the looks of it.

He glanced down at you. Your skin was unhealthily pale and your pulse had almost faded.

He looked back up at the dragon, who was also looking down at your motionless body.

"It's you isn't it, Owyn?" he asked softly, meeting the dragon's gaze once again.

The dragon roared silently and slowly moved his paw down the ground where Grindelwald's wand and shove it towards him.

We need to get back to the castle, she needs to be healed, or I'm afraid she will not survive.

Grindelwald was about to emotionally collapse, but instead, he heaved a deep sigh and took his wand, quickly casting some spells that should stop the bleeding.

"But how? I cannot disapparate with her in this state. The risk she'll get splinched is too high," he said stowing his wand away.

This is ridiculous, but I might know a way.

Grindelwald watched the dragon in front of him tiredly, when suddenly it started to shrink. It shrunk all the way until it was small enough for Grindelwald to reach its head.

I can fly you back to the castle, he said, spreading his wings and posing heroically.

Grindelwald looked down at your body hesitantly. But then placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, and got up and raised you in his arms.

"Is it safe enough?" he asked as he made his way to the dragon.

It nodded confidently and beckoned for him to lay you down on the ground.

Grindelwald did as he was told, and looked at the dragon for more orders.

Before long, he was sitting on the back of the dragon, you dangling in one of its paws. He knew it was safe and you wouldn't fall off, but he couldn't help but check once in a while.

It probably didn't take that long to get back to the castle at all, but to him, it felt like a century before finally, the turrets of Nurmengard became visible above the trees and mountains.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant