Chapter 1 ➛Into Fire

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Y/N: Your Name.

It's been about three days now since I decided to join the Greater Good and try to make the world a slightly better place. I had never been on any particular side before, I'd help the Aurors if they'd ask for it while offering a healthy reward and make an oath not to imprison me, and so I did for Grindelwald. 

But ever since that night on the beach, I've decided to side with him. Spying at the Ministry of Magic while they still trusted me enough to hire me to take out some people or do some dangerous jobs that they couldn't get anyone else to do. 

But once at the colosseum, Gellert Grindelwald invited me to join him properly and for good. I had felt a slight blush come up to my cheeks right then and hoped he hadn't noticed. But besides that, I had been happy with my decision. 

Before the rally, he had often asked me to do some tasks for him. We got to know each other a little, but never actually got a good chance to talk. But now I was at Nurmengard, I might get some nice opportunities. But that was only some fantasy of mine. 

I smiled to myself when I slowly sensed my consciousness growing clearer and felt the soft pillow and mattress below me. It had been some time since I had slept in an actual proper bed. 

Running from the law isn't exactly a dream life. 

I felt at peace for a moment, but, to my annoyance, it was quickly interrupted by some impatient rapping on my door.   

''(Y/N), wake up! Grindelwald wants to see you and he says it's urgent!'' The voice sounded vaguely familiar and it took me some time to realize who it was. 

''I'm awake, Queenie,'' I said, stretching and yawning tiredly. 

Soft sunlight invaded my room through the gap between the closed curtains and I groaned. ''I must look like a mess,'' I muttered under my breath. I felt like I hadn't had enough rest from the few hours of sleep I got. But I knew very well that I was the one to blame for that. 

Grindelwald had given me the task to plan out an assault on the wizarding prison Azkaban to free some of the more trusted followers he had. 

Queenie stormed into the room, looking bewildered and stressed. ''Why aren't you up yet?'' she asked, suppressing her panic. 

I blinked a few times and looked at her with a tired look. Not much of what she had said stuck to me. 

''How little sleep did you get?'' she asked a little uncertain. I shrugged and yawned one last time before throwing the comfortable warm covers off. 

My feet connected with the cold stone floor and a shiver ran up my spine. 

''C'mon, we got to get you dressed,'' she said with a small smile.

Sitting down on the bed, she watched me make my way to my wardrobe and pick some clothes.

''So how does it feel to be a part of some great thing?'' I asked trying to break the silence. I and Queenie became friends in the short period that we've known each other, but we clicked immediately. 

''I dunno. I suppose it feels like I have some purpose now. But somehow I expected more,'' she said with a hint of disappointment. ''But,'' she said her mood jumping from disappointment to excitement. ''We got to dress you up nicely for your great moment,'' she said grinning. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help sniggering softly. ''I mean this could be the day that he finally confesses. Your Prince Charming,'' she said, puckering her lips. 

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon