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The 3 boys got up, bowed goodbye and made their way out of the house. My mum returned from walking them to the door and seated down on the couch next to me. She gave me a look of concern. But I was so lost. I was trying to figure out what was the meaning behind those words. What did he mean that my dad will pay ? What is my dad paying for? Why must I marry this guy? What is going on? Somebody need to tell me what the hell is going on. But non of them dared to speak a word.

"Well? You two own me an explanation. So who is going first? " I said and looked back and forth between those two. But still non of them spoke a word. I looked at my mum but she looked like she was waiting for my dad to talk. She was giving him the 'your turn to talk with her' look. Like she was against this too but had nothing what she could do to solve it. My dad on the other hand looked like he was having a fight with himself.

"Well? Mum? Dad?" I spoke to bring them to say somthing. My dad got the courage to speak. Finally!

"Rose, you have to marry this guy." This was not what I was expecting.

I already know that dad. That's old news. We need the new fresh of the oven  ones.

"Well thank you for that but I already know it. Mind telling me that reason why I must marry him? Someone I have absolutely no idea who they are? As far as I know he can be a hobo."
"I'm not finished yet. Listen here!" I moved my head that he could continue.

"First, he is not a hobo. He is a very powerful and very wealthy man. Whatever he said should be done , or you'll pay the consequences. Which are different for every occasion. You have two choices you either do what he says you to do or you'll pay with your life."

"Who can do such a thing? Who think he is?" I said. I was getting so angry at this boy. Who does he think he is?

"Well when you have the power and the money , you can do what ever you like , sweetie. "
"But why do I have to marry him? " I asked. I mean ,as far as I know,  non of us has ever friends or did business with this kind of person.

"You see..." He got in a deep breath.  "Do you remember that we were near closing down our business? " I nodded my head yes. There was a difficult time that we couldn't effort keeping the business. But they told me they solve it. "We didn't told you where we got the money to save it,  right? " once again I nodded my head. "This is where this guys gets in the picture. He was the one paying for all our bills. He wants his money back but we haven't provided that much so we can pay him back. He wasn't happy about it. So he told us to either you two getting married or he will have to kill me."
"But why marry me? He don't know who am I ?" I said in disbelief.
"I don't know honey. The 3 boys you meet just a while ago, they were 3 out of 4 his trusted men. But I'm not going to pressure you. I can die it's not a problem. " He said.
"WHAT??!!! OF COURSE NOT!! I'm going to marry him. Who ever that person is. I'm not letting you die. Mum needs you, Mark needs you , I need you here. We can't do anything without you being here. Get real now dad. Now call them and tell them that I'm going  to get married with him on Sunday." I said.

I gave my dad a hug. I saw my mum that she was crying. I went up to her and gave her a hug. I felt Mark come and joined the hug ,so did my dad. Soon we let go.

"Are you sure about this? You know there isn't any turning back from it. Think carefully!" My dad said as he held my hand.
"I'm sure dad! I'll marry him. It's for all of us good so there isn't much room for me to think or even say the opposite of it. I can't be selfish and only think about myself. I should think for all of us. We'll be finished if something happens to you. We can't risk that dad. We just got back to living our lives normal. We need you to continue living and being taught."
"Since when did you grow up so much to talk and think like that?" He said and had crystals of tears on his eyes. I gave him a smile and hugged him again.
"Go and call them." He let me go and went in the other room for , what I'm assuming is to call them.

Married to mafia / Shinee Key ffWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt