First Kid

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thank you Wattpad for sending me a message saying i wrote an exciting book recently and if i wanted to do a contest! still trying to figure out the stuff, but hope i can enter!!


"Go!" dad exclaims and we run in.

I shoot someone in the end and get shot right in my side.

I pull the bullet out and throw my throwing star at his throat.

"GET EM!" mama shouts as she shoots.

"GOT THIS BITCHES!" Nick speeds over with the car, running over three men and a woman.

I laugh. "Good job!"

"YEAH!" he exclaims.

I trip a man running at me and when he falls, I stomp on his face before shooting him.

A man jumps on my back, so I body slam him, knowing the wind out. I sit on his chest, cutting off his hands, causing him to scream in complete agony.

I swing at his jaw and bust his nose.

His handless arms flop around, so I put him out of his misery and stab him in the heart.

A man stabs me in the back and I immediately throw him over my shoulder, shooting him in the knee.

"MOTHER FUCKER!" he screams.

"I guess this is the part where I say something witty" I smirk.

"I guess this is the part where I say something witty" I smirk

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"AH FUCK!" he holds his knee.

I shrug. "Guess not" I shoot him in heart.

And right before an unexpected explosion, I hear crying.

And with my instincts, I run towards the cries, but I'm met with a creek with a strong current.

Where the fuck-

I hear paddling and crying.

And there that mother fucker is.

I immediately jump in the water and he tries to swim to me, but can't because of how exhausted he is.

"Tagg!" Nick slides down.

"I got you, buddy!!" I pick him up and struggle to swim back.

I place him on the ground as we both pant.

"Holy fuck" Nicks eyes widen.

"Get him home"


"What are we gonna do with him?" dad asks.

I sigh and look down and he looks back up at me.

I sigh and look down and he looks back up at me

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