Chapter XIV: 1001 Arabian Ninjas

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[Short Chapter due to it being the 3rd to last one.]

"Holy shit this is repetitive!" Aiden yelled to Ahimsa punching three ninjas with one punch. He was right as the team was fighting 1001 ninjas. Over about 50 feet over was Ren and Nico. 

"Ren can't you just like wish them away!" Nico yelled at Ren slapping two ninjas off his gorillaed back!

"Like i've said many times: I cannot control certain things with my magic cause i dont know!" Ren yelled at Nico as she threw a pile of ninjas towards the direction of Espie and Darcy. Espie, using her super speed was able to knock the pile of bodies into Darcy who struck them down with her fists. 

"This is actual hell!" Espie said catching her breath after she finished off four ninjas. 

Samantha, Renee, and Skylar where also in the area fighting ninjas cringing at the fact that though with every ninja the beat down, 5 more where always there. 

"Ra's was always the showman am i right sister?" Nate laughed cutting down multiple ninjas with his blade. Alyssa nodded as she cut ninjas around her. 

Camilla, Carter, and SK where all in the same corner fighting ninjas on there own. Carter was shooting down ninjas with dual uzis while Camilla and SK where taking a more sound approach with SK brandishing dual swords and Camilla with a staff. 

"Aren't you going to fight?" The venomed Kyle yelled to Parker while he was eating a mob of ninjas. Parker cringed and shook her head. 

"I'm really not the fighting type. I won't get my hands dirty when I don't need to."

"Suit yourself." Kyle said with a smile eating more people. As he did, Ra's looked at Slade then looked at Kyle. 

"Say no more!" Slade said jumping off the platform into the fight. Before he got to Kyle however he saw SK who saw him. SK charged at Slade cutting down anything in his path before slashing at Slade barely missing as their swords clashed. 

"I didn't know that would to Carter im sorry!" He yelled at SK. 

"Don't worry i'll return the favor!" Carter said appering behind Slade with a smile and stabbing him. Slade staggered a bit before moving over to where SK entered out out of the catacombs. 

"Another day SK, Another day!" He yelled going into the tombs probably to the lazarus pit down below. 

"Carter what the hell? Why did you stab him?!" SK said confused and mad at the same time. 

Carter glared back at him. "You dont care that i almost died?!"

"Yes i do care! But that wasn't because of Slade it was because of Ra's!" SK said to Carter who turned and ran off probably crying. Kayden decided to jump into the mix now pointing a sword at Camilla. 

"Alright bitch its time for our-" But before she could finish she was eaten up by Kyle screaming. Camilla looked in awe as she saw Kayden get thrashed around before Kyle spat her up over the edge. Kyle reverted into his human formed and smiled at Camilla who gave him a slight scared smile and joined the group.

"999,1000,1001! That's all of them!" Skylar said counting off the last 3. The group all turned to Ra's Al Ghul who was stunned but angry at the fact he lost all his men. 

"You think that you have won? You forgot me!" He screamed and jumped down with a sword of his own but the team was ready. 

In milliseconds, Espie grabbed Ra's with her super speed and threw him at Skylar, who slashed him with her bow-staff who then went flying into Aiden and Ahimsa who superpunched him into Nico, who turned into a gorilla who punched him into Kyle who formed a venom fist to punch him into Nate and Alyssa who slashed him into Darcy and Skylar who kicked him into the air to Ren who grabbed him and threw him at Parker, who ducked and saw him get grappled by Carter and thrown at SK who stabbed him up in the air with his two swords(deadpool style).   

"Wombo Combo!" Nico yelled at Ra's as SK pulled the blades out of Ra's who coughed out blood and tried to walk. 

"Et tu, Austin?" He said walking towards the catacombs opening, bleeding out with the team following him to see what he was going to do next.  

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