Chapter X: Nico does something right

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"Dear children, do you even know who i am?" Slade said as Espie, SK, Alyssa, and Ren charged at him. 

"Didn't ask, don't know, don't care! Skylar lay some suppression fire!" Espie yelled as Skylar started to shoot some arrows at Slade who want dodging them easily. 

"I am the thing that keeps up at night."  Slade said punching Alyssa away. "The evil that haunts every dark corner of your mind." He continued while throwing Ren. "I will never rest and neither will you because I am always there." He said grabbing Espie by the throat as she was moving very fast, even for even a human to grab her by the throat, and threw her.  In the split second he did that SK was right behind him, sword drawn, and slashed; however Slade caught the blade. 

"Impressive. Your form, your stroke, everything that you do I'm impressed by. Perhaps you should become my apprentice." Slade said to SK. 

"I don't do apprenticeships sorry!" SK said bring the blade down on Slade again but this time got punched in the stomach and thrown. 

"Such a shame." He said to SK then turned to see Skylar pointing her bow at him. 

"I will shoot you!" Skylar yelled at him pointing the bow and drawing an arrow.

"But you won't child. You won't pull that arm and release the arrow." Slade said walking towards Skylar. 

"And why is that?" 

"Because your afraid." 

"I'm not afraid of you!" 

"No, your not afraid of me. Your afraid of them." Slade said walking closer to Skylar and pointing at her teammates fighting. "Your afraid they will find out what your hiding and shun you for it. You think i don't know but i do child, i do know." 

"N-no your wrong!" Skylar started to tremble lowering her bow. "I'm not scared of anything!" 

"Dear child, everyone is scared of something, even i'm scared of something."

"W-w-what do you fear?" Skylar asked with Slade in her face. 

"The only thing i fear is fear itself child." Slade whispered into Skylar's ear. Before she knew what happened, Skylar looked down to see a blade in her stomach. 

"SKYLAR!" Renee yelled as she charged at Slade only to be punched back.  

"Like i said before, eas-" Slade began to say only to be attacked by what seemed to be a lion but it was Nico. 

Slade was amused by this lion form. "This form reminds me of another person who could change into animals. He was very annoying." 

Nico tried bite him but Slade grabbed him by the mouth. "And he was an idiot!" Slade slammed him to the ground. He looked around at the entire team on the ground and laughed. 

"Well, well, well. It seems like you guys weren't able to beat me such a surprise. Do you want to survive? Save your friend? Then have something come with me. Ra's wants to meet one of you." 

Slade laughed as he grabbed Espie by the hair. 

"Wait Deathstroke." SK muttered and got up. "I'll go with you." 

Carter tried to get up but was stopped by Kyle. "Stop Carter! let him go." 

"SK please! You dont have to!" Carter yelled as SK got up and left with the ninjas. 

"Save Skylar." He whispered and left. 

"H-h-help me.." Skylar moaned. Espie got up and grabbed Skylar's hand and helped her up with Darcy and Sam. 

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