Chapter I | Best Friends Forever

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"Dragoste, I'm going to kill you!" Both Nate and Poison Ivy yelled at Darcy, launching a vine at her. Hearing that made Darcy sick inside.

"Darcy, I thought you said this person was a family friend!" Nico yelled at her changing into a lion and slashing weeds but got no where.

Poison Ivy turned and saw Nico.

"Ah, Beast Boy. You got your normal color back I see?" Nico turned into a bigger animal and ran at Ivy.

"I'M GOING TO TEAR OFF YOUR FACE, YOU BOTANIST!" Ivy just laughed at Nico. Espie, Nate and Alice on the other hand were doing just fine.

"Ali, launch me your sword," Nate yelled. Alice threw a sword at Nate and he kicked it at Ivy; it hits her in the shoulder. She screamed and crumpled making her weeds go down for a second.

Skylar grabbed her bow and shot Ivy in her other shoulder. "Renée, Aiden, Ahimsa, Camilla; now!" Skylar yelled. The four of them dropped from above her and dropped a net on her.

Darcy sighed, happy that the team could go back home.


"So Darcy. Poison Ivy is your moms what again?" Carter asked as Alfred brought out takeout from a Chinese restaurant.

"Her friend... kinda," Darcy says uncertainly.

"She thought I was Beast Boy. I'm not even green like Aiden and Ahimsa why do I get called Beast Boy?" Nico grumbled.

"First off," the ginger girl says, looking at Nico, "me and Aiden aren't supposed to be green; we're only half Martian. Secondly, you can change into animals. So why can't we think that you're the son of Beast Boy?"

"Because, Ahi, that's weird!" Nico said.

"We have two people who might kill the whole team, two aliens, two girls who might be Harley Quinn's kids, an archer, a demon girl, and Sam, Espie, and Renée. How is this team not weird?" Nate asked.

"Demon girl," Ren mutters sarcastically, crossing her arms. "Haven't heard that one before."

Nico muttered something to himself.

"Good job out there team!" Bruce smiled as he walked into the room. "You guys get a night off. Do what ever you want!"

The team cheered and finished dinner and went to go do their own things.

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