Chapter V | Truth or Dare

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Espie looked out her window and frowned. "There is a full moon outside what are we going to do tonight?" She said turning to the team.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Venom, one of the new team members said.

Nico frowned. "Every time I play truth or dare it gets really sexual.."he said starting to quiet down promoting Carter to laugh. "If you don't want to play then don't play other wise, Aiden truth or dare!"

Aiden looked like he didn't want to play but grunted dare. Carter smiled." I dare you to lick the wall for 20 seconds!" Aiden laughed and licked the wall.

"I guess it's your turn Aiden!" Carter laughed and Aiden grumbled.

"Nico truth or dare?"

Nico smiled. "Dare, because I don't want to be a wimp and give me a good dare!" Aiden for once smiled.

"I dare to race Espie around the Wayne manor!" He shouted at Nico making him raise his eyebrow.

"You gonna lose, bitch!" Espie says, smiling.

Nico shrugged and got up with Espie and went outside. Nico then shapeshifted into a Cheetah and Espie getting into a running stance. The just like that they started, well really it was Espie finishing. Nico and the rest of the team was amazed.

"Espie i didn't know you could do that!" Renée said with shock in her face.

"What! I declare a rematch!" Nico yelled at Espie prompting her to laugh.

"Dude im in skinny jeans and a leather jacket how in the world did i beat you? No rematch." She said. Nico muttered something and left from the game.


As the night died down the game was just starting. It was Parker's turn and he turned to Bones.

"Bones truth or dare?" He said laughing a little.

"Truth" He said with a smile

"Is it true that you like someone in this room right now?" Parker said with a smile making Bones tilt his head.

"I mean yes I do like someone but don't we all?" He stuttered. Parker nodded.

"True enough but I think it's time to end this game goodnight guys!" Parker said getting up and leaving the team to continue the game.

"Skylar truth or dare!" Bones turned to Skylar who was shocked.

"Uh dare I mean truth!" She said. Bones smiled and turned to the team.

"Do you like someone on this team right here?"

"Yes yes I do!" She said shocking the team. Espie looked at the clock.

"Well guys goodnight let's get some sleep!"

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