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The soft smell of homemade food wafted through the air as Austin walked through the front door, holding the bottle of white wine in his hand.

"Bailey," he asked as he locked the door.

"Kitchen," she shouted back.

Austin slipped off his shoes and walked quietly through the house.

"What are you making," he asked as he entered the kitchen.

Bailey was standing over a pot on the stove stirring with one hand and pouring a broth in with the other.

Her hair was up in a slowly collapsing bun and her glasses were starting to fog up from the steam coming from the pot.

"Risotto," she said and set the measuring cup of broth down.

"Did you get the wine," she asked and turned around.

"Yeah," Austin said distracted by her appearance, "you have glasses?"

She hummed in response, "I'm supposed to wear them when I'm reading or working on the computer but I only use them when I get a headache."

"They're cute," Austin said.

Bailey flushed a light pink and smiled, "Thanks."

"So," Austin said and cleared his throat, "what can I do to help?"

Bailey smiled and turned her attention back to the meal, "Do you mind opening the wine? I need some for the recipe but I wouldn't mind a glass either."

Austin nodded and got the bottle opener out as well as two wine glasses.

With a satisfying pop, the wine was open and Austin handed one of the glasses to Bailey who took it happily.

"How was your day," Austin asked and leaned against the counter, watching Bailey chop up herbs.

"It was pretty good," she said, "I got a new client today."

"How's it going?" 

Bailey set the lid back on the pot and joined Austin against the counter.

"It's good," she said, "I think it'll be a fun one. How was your day?"

Austin smiled, "It was good. We're almost done mixing one of the songs and tomorrow we're going to start on another one." 

"How many do you have," Bailey asked.

"Ten," Austin responded, "I want to have a bigger album this time so I'm thinking about putting out fifteen to twenty." 

"Damn," Bailey whistled. 

Austin laughed, "I'm just trying to give my fans what they want."

"I know a couple teenagers who would be very happy to hear that." 

Austin smiled, "How's Carter doing, by the way, I haven't talked to my parents in a while." 

Bailey's timer went off and she walked over to the pot to add more broth.

"He's good," she said as she stirred their dinner, "he has the first track and field tournament coming up this weekend." 

"He runs track," Austin asked.

"Yup," Bailey responded and went back to her spot next to Austin on the counter.

"Is he good?"

"He's on the Varsity team, has been since freshman year." 

"Wow," Austin said, "I've never been to a track and field competition before." 

Bailey nodded, not surprised, "They're pretty fun when you have someone racing in one." 

"Let's go then," Austin said and Bailey looked up shocked.

"What? Are you serious?" 

"Totally," Austin said, "I told you we could fly back whenever."

"Wow," Bailey said shaking her head in disbelief.

"What about your record," Bailey asked.

"I still have to write the music," Austin said, "I'll just do that in the plane."

Bailey looked at him unsure and Austin spoke again, "It's just for the weekend, I wasn't planning on working anyway."

Bailey sighed, "Aren't flights expensive?"

Austin shrugged, "It's not that bad."

"I can't pay you back for it." 

"I'm not asking you to. I never would." 

Bailey sighed, "You're too good to me." 

Austin smiled, "Is this a yes?" 

"It's a yes."

A/N: Sorry for the delay and the short chapter, this month has been crazy busy with school and I haven't had much time to sit down and write anything but I wanted to get something out. :) Hopefully, the next update won't be so late.

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