Sixteen (BG)

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The next morning - there was coffee and sugar waiting for me on the counter next to a note. 

I smiled and lifted up the scratch paper and read Austin's messy handwriting. I picked up the lukewarm mug of coffee and put it in the microwave as I read what Austin had left for me. As the microwave went off, I read that Austin had to  leave earlier than he thought and that he wouldn't be home until dinner time. 

I stood next to the microwave with my back leaning against the counter as I drank the coffee and decided what to do with my day. 

It certainly was quiet in the house without Austin here. 

It almost felt too quiet. 

After our close encounter got interrupted last night, neither one of us brought up how close we had gotten to kissing.

My fingers tightened around the mug of the now steaming coffee and the familiar aroma filled my senses. 

I closed my eyes for a second and remembered the feeling of my breath hitching in my throat and the warmth that Austin's skin gave off as he was centimeters away from me. I could only imagine how his lips would have felt against mine.

My heart sped up just thinking about it and I could feel myself smiling like an idiot. If only Madison could see me now. 

Opening my eyes, I knew what I was going to do with my morning. 

Guzzling down my morning drink, I set the cup down in the sink, with the intention of washing it later, and grabbed my crutches and hobbled off into my room. 

Keeping the door open, I tossed my old laptop from my desk to my bed and hopped over to my bed. 

After getting comfortable, I opened the laptop lid, typed in my password, and opened up FaceTime. 

Hearing the dial tone, I leaned back against the pillows and waited for Madison to pick up.

"Hey bitch," she shouted through the microphone and I laughed as her face came into view. 

"Hey," I said with a smile, "how are things back home?"

"Let me tell you what," she said and sat up more in her chair. A tell tale sign that she was about to spill some very in-depth gossip. 

I laughed and listened to her rant about a new customer that had been hitting on her at the restaurant. 

"Was he cute," I asked as soon as I got a minute to get a word in ten minutes later.

Madison shrugged, "He's no Brad Pitt but for Grapevine, he was pretty cute."

"Did you end up giving him your number," I asked.

Madison nodded, "I mean, he tried so hard. I couldn't say no." 

I rolled my eyes. Madison had always had some attachment to someone, even if it wasn't ever serious. 

She was the boy crazy one out of the two of us. 

"What happened to the other guy," I asked.

"Which one," Madison asked.

I scoffed, "The PhD student." 

Madison's eyes widened in recognition and she nodded.

"I ended things. He was a great guy but not what I was looking for." 

"Fair enough," I commented. 

Suddenly, Madison's door opened and Del walked in.

"Bailey," he said and leaned down to the camera, "I thought I heard your voice." 

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