Seven (BG)

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The boys got wrapped back up in their conversation - Carter must have told them to treat Austin like a normal person because their lack of interest was surprising considering all they listened to was Austin's type of music.

I let the topic of Del and Austin's behavior alone for the time being and watched as Austin folded the paper wrapping of his straw into a bendy worm.

"You're staring," he said and I laughed.

"I'm watching your oragami session," I responded and Austin shook his head but handed me the folded paper with a smile on his face.

"So," I said after a second of being quiet and pushing the paper worm around on the table, "what's California like?"

Austin looked up and put his arm around the back of my chair and leaned back in his seat.

"It's busy," he said, "there's always something to do or some place to be."

"Sounds exciting," I said and Austin chuckled.

"It can be," he said, "I'm taking some time off to help get you to where you need to go for therapy though."

My eyes widened, "You don't need to do that."

"Too late," Austin said brightly.

"Austin," I said, trying to act seriously.

"Come on, you seriously want to Uber around L.A. on your own with a fully broken leg?"

I sighed, "You and all your smart points."

Austin smiled even brighter and I caught Carter staring at us from across the table.

"What's your normal day like," I asked.

Austin shrugged, "It depends. If I'm in the studio I get there around nine and work until the sun goes down. If I'm doing press I'm at a radio show in the morning around four then different interviews and sometimes TV talkshows which film late at night. If I'm not doing anything then it's sleeping as late as I want and playing video games all day."

I laughed, "Your off days sound a lot like Carter's weekends."

"How about you," Austin asked, "what's a day like for you?"

I smiled, "Well nothing quite as exciting as your days."

Austin laughed, "Come on, let's hear about a normal person's day."

"Well, I wake up when Carter wakes up for school. I used to have to drive him but since he got his liscense this year, I don't have to. I make us lunch then head out for this job I scored at this cyber security place. After work I come home and either Carter or I make dinner, depending on the day. If Carter has a track meet I go to that after work instead of coming straight home. I also work at a bakery on the weekends."

"Cyber security," Austin asked, impressed, "damn girl, you're smart."

I laughed, "I had a 4.0 GPA throughout high school and I got a full ride to MIT, among other places."

"You're an MIT grad?"

I frowned, "I'm not, MIT was too far away. I just went to UT Dallas and got a certification in Ethical Hacking from an online course."

"Ethical what now," Austin asked with a laugh.

"Hacking," I said, "with computers and all that. I basically hack different high paying companies and get paid for finding and fixing loop holes in their systems."

"Damn," Austin said and I giggled.

"I'm good with computers," I said and shrugged.

"Sounds like it," Austin said with a smile.

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