Three (BG)

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"Alright," the doctor said, "you will be discharged once I get you your wheelchair."

I scoffed, "I don't do wheelchairs, can I have crutches instead?"

Austin looked at me like I was crazy and Carter just rolled his eyes.

We were so close to getting released from this boring room but I wouldn't be leaving without being able to get around on my own.

The doctor blinked and looked at my full leg cast.

"You want crutches?"

I nodded, "Yeah, sitting around in a stupid chair isn't going to help me get walking on my own."

The doctor sighed and ran a hand over his face.

"You're something else," he said and walked out of the room.

"So is that a yes," I yelled as the door shut behind him.

Carter hit my arm and I glared at him, "Um, ouch."

Carter rolled his eyes and I rolled mine back, mocking him.

"No way you're getting crutches," Austin commented and I sighed, flopping down across Carter and Austin's laps.

"I'm getting those damn things," I muttered and Austin laughed.

"Are you always this difficult," he asked.

"I think you mean determined," I said, correcting him.

Austin looked down at me with a look on his face and I raised an eyebrow to silently challenge him.

"Yes," Carter said and we both looked at him, "she's always like this. Good luck with her."

Austin laughed as I smacked Carter lightly on the arm.

"Ms. Garland," a voice said and I quickly sat up straight again.

I smiled as I saw the doctor standing in the doorway with his clipboard under his arm and a box with crutches in his hands.

"No way," Austin whispered.

I smiled as Dr. Asher walked towards me and set the box on the table at the foot of the bed.

"Thanks for this," I said.

"Take it easy for the first few weeks," Dr. Asher said and I nodded, "Of course."

Dr. Asher took the crutches out and adjusted them to the right height then handed them to me to test out.

"Careful," he said as I grabbed the crutches from him and scooted closer to the edge of the bed.

"Here," Carter said and he and Austin stood up. The stood on either side of me as I scrunched up my nose and leaned the crutches against the bed on my right side. With my hands, I picked up my casted leg and moved it forward. I grabbed the crutches again and put my uninjured foot on the floor.

I took a deep breath and stood up. I quickly shoved the crutches under my arms and wobbled as I stood up for the first time in a couple of days.

"See," I said, "nothing to be concerned about."

"Be careful," Dr. Asher said and signed my release forms.

I smiled, "When aren't I?"

Laughing, the doctor walked out of the room.

"So," I said and slowly turned around, "who has clothes I can change into?"

Carter stood up and reached into a backpack I hadn't seen.

"Here," he said and carried the bag to the bathroom.

Turning around again, I slowly walked to the bathroom. I closed the door and sat on the toilet, pulling the bag down to the floor.

I dug through the backpack and found a clean set of underwear, a clean bra, and a t-shirt dress.

I'd have to thank Carter for his smart thinking, I have no idea how I would have put on pants with this monstrosity on my leg.

The hospital gown was easy to slide off and the dress was soft on my skin compared to the itchy material of the hospital clothes. After struggling to get my underwear on without falling over, I slid the backpack on my back and grabbed the crutches.

Opening the door, I smiled and walked out of the bathroom.

"I'm going to need to buy more dresses," I laughed and inched my way over to the bed.

Carter stood up and grabbed the bag from me and threw it across his back.

"We'll get you more dresses when we get to Cali," Austin said and I nodded.

"Well, let's get going," Carter said and walked to the door, holding it open.

I hobbled over to the door and Austin walked behind me, "Mom and Dad are meeting us in the lobby."

We inched along slowly and finally made it to the front desk after what felt like years.

"Austin," a man with a boot on said and our attention turned to him.

Austin walked ahead of us and hugged the man.

"You're up," the man said and I nodded.

"I am," I said with a smile, "It's nice to meet you. I'm Bailey."

"Rich," he said, "you looked a little rough for a while there."

I laughed, "Well I feel a little rough."

"Carter, nice to see you again," Rich said and pulled him into a hug.

"Good to see you too, sir," Carter said and hugged Rich back.

"Shall we get going," Jodie said, walking up to the group.

I nodded, "How are we going to do this?"

"You and Austin can drive the truck to our apartment and I can ride with Jodie and Rich to show them the way," Carter suggested.

I tried to shrug as best as I could.

"Sounds good to me," Austin said and Carter tossed him the keys.

"We're parked in the front lot," Jodie said.

"I'm in the back," Carter said.

"Well," Austin said, "I guess we'll see you at the place."

"See you there," Carter said and the three started to walk out.

I sighed as I watched them leave.

"Ready," Austin asked quietly.

"Not really," I said but started moving forward.

Austin was quick to follow, not that he really needed to be, I wasn't going that fast.

"They'll take good care of him," Austin said and I smiled.

"I'm sure they will," I said, "I'm just worried about being away from him."

Austin held open the door when we got to it, "How long have you had custody?"

"Six years," I said quickly, "almost seven."

"Damn," Austin said and let go of the door once I was through it.

I laughed, "I know."

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