Six (BG)

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Austin rented a limo. 

To say that I was shocked and slightly irritated that he was throwing money around like confetti would be accurate.

He just argued that it would be easier for me to get in and out of with the extra space and broken leg. I would never admit that he was right, but he was, it was much better than climbing in the truck again.

Austin also added the fact that we wouldn't be able to pick up Carter's friends without renting another car anyway, since mine had been totaled in the crash. 

Plus this was a small limo according to him.

So that's how I ended up in the backseat of a vehicle I could never afford to rent with three teenage boys and a rapper. 

Not how I pictured my first night out of the hospital. 

Carter, Max, and Jay were all laughing at something Mark, the driver, said and I smiled as I looked at my little brother being so happy. Unfortunately, the tingling in my leg dragged me out of my thoughts and I pushed my palms against the seat and pulled my body forward to get more comfortable. 

Austin saw me moving out of the corner of his eye and looked over with concern.

"Are you okay," he asked.

I nodded, "Just getting more comfortable." 

"It shouldn't be too much further," Mark announced and all four boys cheered. 

I smiled and shook my head at their reactions. 


"So, do they know we're coming," Max asked expectantly.

I nodded, "They do. I called in a favor and got a room reserved." 

"Sweet," Jay commented as the car pulled to a stop. 

"Here," Austin said, "you three go on out first and wait inside while I help Bailey out." 

We could both feel the excitement buzzing in the car and Austin again had a good idea. The car door pushed open and the three teenagers piled out, laughing and talking as they went.

"I can get out with the crutches and help once you scoot far enough forward," Austin suggested and I thought about it quickly. 

"That sounds like a good idea," I said.

Austin smiled a goofy grin and climbed out of the limo, pulling the set of crutches behind him. When he got up, I started pushing myself forward. I reached the end of the seat and Austin offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up to my feet. 

I awkwardly stood on one foot as Austin grabbed my crutches from their resting place against the car and handed them to me. 

"Thank you," I said and Austin smiled, "Of course."

I adjusted the crutches and together we walked into the restaurant where the other boys were waiting. 

Austin held open the door and I walked through after thanking him once again. The familiar smell of garlic breadsticks filled the air and the gentle music reminded me of all the good times we had spent at this restaurant. 

"Oh my god," a familiar voice said and Austin's head whipped up. 

I looked over to the voice and chuckled with a small smile on my face.

"What on Earth happened to your leg," the voice said. 

I laughed and noticed Austin relaxing out of the corner of my eye. 

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