Vigo's Pupil

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✩ Claudette Morel "Studious Botanist" ✘ Fem!Reader ✩

❝Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.❞

A chapter that no-one wanted, but it's here anyway

This is the 'first' chapter in the Halloween specials. You can either start with Dwight or Claudette. It says about the same.

Dedicated to my Discord, you guys are the best _Adiris Junostel wriitersbIock

I had heard whispers of an individual named Vigo when I sat around the campfire. In the short time I was here, I have learned he was an inventor and researcher who studied the Entity and its Realms, to the point he created things to aid us, survivors. I've overheard that his Laboratory is hidden in between all the realms making it hard for The Entity to find him, but he's called on a few survivors to train under his supervision. This makes me wonder why he needs some of us. I can't tell the time of day, but it feels chilly maybe we are in fall, and if we are, why now?

I shake my head and look back to the fire in front of me. It crackled with age as it kept us warm, my E/C orbs looked around, finding Dwight and Claudette sitting beside each other. The leader seemed more nervous than usual; his hand shook as he gripped at a white cloth. I tilted my head, looking closer at what he had in his hand, and I couldn't tell if it was the fire that was illuminating his lap or something under the sheet that he wanted to keep hidden.

I looked back up at Claudette; she looked at the anxious man beside her with a quick look. Both of them stood up frantically, and I could see three-leaf lookalikes flutter to the ground when they rose. They both let go of a cloth that was filled with whatever fell to the ground just seconds before. I got up and went over to where their bodies disappeared with a black and orange crosshatching. On the dead grass was something I had never seen before, dark brown leaves that seemed to be dying but breathing at the same time they would momentarily light up with a faint orange in the cracks. I picked up the breakable objects and threw them into the fire; my vision slowly blurred as air flowed around my body.

This feeling was ever too familiar, but the terrain around me was not. I gasped as I realized the scene around me was full of life, unlike the dark and dreary Realms you visit all the time. As I walked to what seemed to be the main brick filled rubble, I saw two shadows enter the gap between the fallen walls, with what appeared to be the same build as Claudette and Dwight. Slowly I made my way to where the brick covered my body just enough to peer inside the dimly lit area that seemed to be the only human-made thing inhabiting the land. The two survivors I had just seen throw leaves into the campfire were now talking to someone with what seemed to be a dark brown robe with no indication of their face due to the lack of light. It looked like they nodded their heads to whatever the person said and walked off towards the back of the area.

I stayed hidden for what seemed like hours when I heard a surprised whisper come from behind me. "Y/N! What are you doing here? How did you even come here?" I turned around swiftly and saw Claudette with a worried expression on her face; I looked her up and down, letting my head cock to the side with confusion. She had two large braids tucked into each other to create a crown that keeps her natural hair tucked underneath, she wore an old tattered apron with bright orange liquids that illuminated against the browns of her vest and short-sleeved shirt along with the dirtiness of her white gloves and tools that she kept in the front pocket, her pants were baggy tomboyish like garments that were paired with black high top lace-up boots. As I stared, even more, I realized this was more than just a secret, it was an experiment, and I didn't want to be the next victim.

My body unknowingly backed itself onto the brickwork behind me, making me hyperventilate with anxiety. Claudette crouched down next to me and latched her arms around my torso; she shushed me into what was a quiet whimper. My body was inched upwards to where I wobbled on my knees to a different location where a few boxes covered a ghastly looking canker, and I sat down on the stray tables letting out small sniffles as the woman in front of me took a needle that was bigger than average. "You're probably wondering what's happening. Well, months ago Vigo had reached out to us in a plan to escape this place. If we succeed would you want to join us?" She worked effortlessly, poking, and prodding at the living thing in front of her, where she plunged the tip into the part that illuminated the most and extracted the gradient liquid. I shuddered as I watched her take out a vial and squirt the juice into the bottle, staining the sides with its orange-yellow tint. As she mentioned the possibility of getting out of this hell, my head perked up, at this time, I had calmed down ultimately and now longed for the outside world. I shook my head vigorously, making her chuckle, by now she filled a third of vial worth of the liquid she was collecting.

We did the same thing until we had about three vials filled, Claudette stopped me as we neared the main point of wherever we were. She dropped six leaves in my palm; they were the same as the ones I threw into the campfire before. "The Blight is coming, come tomorrow, in secret, and you can see what will happen. Vigo doesn't know you're here, and let's keep it that way or else something bad might happen. Don't mention anything to Dwight either; you know how he can be. There's an exit gate west of here; it's always open and takes you to the land between killer and survivor, so be careful. Take care, Y/N." I hugged her briefly and turned away towards the direction she pointed to. As I walked, I turned my head and saw her pull out a golden heart locket. My heart became heavy for an unknown reason, making me wonder if I should have even come. I neared the gate and sighed, another day forever dead and alive.

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