Osseous Carcass

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✩ Max Thompson Jr. "The Hillbilly"  ✘ Fem!Reader ✩

❝The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.❞

A chapter that no-one wanted, but it's here anyway

I looked down at my hand and thought about the real world. A healthy life where I didn't die over and over again and where hooks didn't plunge into my body, leaving any evidence of a scar. I pocketed three leaves that Claudette gave me, and the other three I let drift into the fire beneath my hand. Wind swarmed my body as I transported back to this new realm that I had only just discovered yesterday. As I opened my eyes and looked around, it seemed as if the cankers had spread. I made my way towards the center and waited by a tree, that was until I heard a chainsaw revving through the silence. My eyes widen as I saw Max pass me and almost cut Claudette down, but he stopped before her. I peered around my tree and saw her pull out the locket she took out of her pocket the day before, slowly I realized she had purposely summoned him here.

I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I could tell she was getting angry. Claudette pulled at the rusted metal chain, making pieces of metal pop of ever so slowly. Max reached out for it, in what seemed desperation, and it dawned on me that it was something from his past. She finally eased up on the chain and dropped it into his defeated hand, his back was slumped down as he wobbled into the broken brick build. I tiptoed my way over and watched as the small human chained up the beast of a killer. Confusion washed over me as he hung with disgust while Claudette walked over to a metal tray with one of the full vials we collected yesterday. She thumped the outside, making the liquid swirl together in an orange and yellow swirl. Max looked up momentarily, my E/C eyes locked with his making me gasp.

He opened his mouth but shut it quickly when Claudette came closer to him with what looked to be an injection, but it didn't look like it would be removed right after. I held my hand over my mouth as I watch her plunge it into his back. Max screamed out in pain as whatever was in the vial flowed throughout his already mangled system. It spewed from his back and down his arms; it came out of the cracks in his face and the mangled parts of his neck; it even went out of his eyes and mouth, forcing its forever lit on him. I closed my eyes and fell back into the wall I was looking around, sinking to the floor. I felt like I could have done more. I don't want anyone going through pain to get out of here.

I heard footsteps come near my sunken body; I tried to will myself upward but failed and sunk back to the grassy floor. I felt someone sit down beside me and looked up, realizing it was Claudette who looked exhausted. She put her hand on me and sighed, "I'm sorry you had to witness that, but in a few minutes, he will be stronger than he was before. And he will be blinded by rage until all of us leave, and he is transported back to the killer campground where he will infect the Entity's realms with cankers and other things. So, let's get out of here. I hope you kept some leaves because here's some more for later, just in case you know." My leafs tallied back up to six, and I had guilt flowing throughout my body. I sighed and sat for a little longer; Claw noticed and decided to leave me alone. As I watched her walk to the exit gate, I stood up and rounded the corner where Max was breathing heavily.

I slowly walked closer; his face was even more distorted than usual, making me gag. "I'm sorry, Max. I wish I could do something." He looked up at me surprised, his eyes dripping with bright orange tears.

"Don't worry about me. I'm sorry I don't know your name, but when the purge happens, he won't succeed. He's tried before, and he'll try again after this, find the one in charge, all everyone wants here is to get out." I nodded my head and tried to go in for a hug, but then seen the orange that covered his upper torso. My arms dropped to my side as I took a deep breath; tears pricked my eyes as I struggled to walk away. Max's puffs became heavier as growls sounded from his throat, making it clear that he was getting furious quick. My feet picked up their pace as I reached the open exit gate, Claudette stood to wait for me with her arms crossed while counting under her breath.

"We have about thirty seconds before he's completely blinded by rage, you came at the right time, so let's get out of here now." She walked closer to the exit and was sucked into the infinite running where it would take us back. I sat there for just a few seconds longer, just long enough where I could hear metal being through and angered screams rip through the silence. A tear had arisen in the time I stayed, but as soon as I stepped forward, it disappeared. What Max had said was going through my head again, what was going on here?

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