Susie's Mixtape

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✩ Susie "The Legion" ✘ Fem!Reader ✩

❝I fell in love with the way you touched me without using your hands.❞

You were walking along a snowy dirt path when you noticed a cassette on top of the powder. You went over to it and picked it up, turning it over in your hands you read the name Susie on it in graffiti type lettering. Also on the tape was a bunch of symbols that made you confused as to what they were. You pocketed the recording and headed home.

When you got to your house, you put the cassette down and went up to your attic. Searching through the random mess, you finally found it, your old silver radio and cassette tape converter. You tugged it downstairs, forgetting how heavy it was you slammed it down on your coffee table. An exhausted breath escaped your mouth as you picked up the tape once again. Putting it the converter, you waited until a track of fast and energizing beats came on.

For some weird reason, it made you want to clean your house; you didn't know why, but you turned up the music anyways. You started to get your supplies out, dancing as you walked. Beginning in the living room, you slowly made your way around the whole house. All of a sudden, the music cut off, you frowned and went back into your living room. When you got there, you saw a girl with what seemed to be a sewn ceramic mask and dyed hair that came out the side of her hood. She held the tape in her hand and looked over at you when you came close.

"Did I interrupt something?" The girl stuttered as she talked and replaced the fear that was forming deep inside of you with confusion. You told the girl that you were cleaning, and the music was helping you go along. She laughed, saying that she didn't think her tape was that good. Your eyes widened as you guessed she was Susie, you looked down at the ground and noticed something on your coffee table that made you madder than hell.

"Is that your ruler? The broken ruler that is stained with blood... The one that you put on my newly cleaned coffee table..." Susie's head snapped downward, she quickly grabbed the weapon and hid it in her pocket. She pretended that that interaction never happened, but you could see the blood soaking in the wood. You took a deep breath and began to deep clean the desk.

"Did you let that go? That easily... Frank never does that, and then Jules yells at him for yelling at me... Joey never does anything; it pisses me off..." Her stutter was more apparent as she talked about those people; you guessed they were her friends but didn't know for sure. You said you were used to things not going your way and let life happen cause you can't change anything in the past, but can change the future. Susie sat for a second then pulled her ruler back out, she looked around the room, spotted a trash can, and threw the wooden measuring device away.

"Can I stay here? Not for long, but long enough to where I can get my place... And maybe renter society... I guess you can say I have toxic people in my life that I need to get away from..." You agreed as long as she could follow the house rules, she said that she would, and the deal was set. Susie opened your front door, saying she would be back soon. You understood and watched as she left, you realized she left the cassette on your table. You smiled and put it back in, playing the tunes that were previously being heard.

You finished cleaning the house when Susie came back, she seemed a little shaken but had a bag full of stuff. She sat down on the couch beside you, and you asked what was wrong, her body shuddered as she thought. "Frank wasn't happy, Jules understood, and Joey didn't give two shits... Frank yelled at me, saying I was a bother, that I never helped the group. I took your advice; I changed my future. I could have before, but I was scared..." You asked about what Jules did; she sat for a moment tears forming in her eyes. You noticed this and hugged her; she started to cry in your arms.

"She started to yell at him, saying I was better than what he was calling me. Then he said that I was just a shy and naive girl that could never get anyone convinced to let me stay with them. That I was better off with her friends. She asked if I had somewhere to go or if I found someone, I started to tell her about you. And he got mad saying how I gave away our location and who we were and everything, but I told them you wouldn't say anything about my past to anyone. Hopefully, they believed me..." You said that everything would be ok and if she ever needed someone to talk too, you were always here. She nodded her head, and you started to talk about the living situation. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad; Susie seemed lovely but hanged out with the wrong crowd. Perhaps you could make her a better person, just perhaps.

Photo credits to devillefort-master on Tumblr

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