𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚛𝚊𝚋𝚋𝚒𝚝

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✩ Anna "The Huntress"✘ Child!Reader ✩

❝A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world.❞


EDITED ON 5/10/22


Anna looked through her pantry and huffed a sigh when she realized she was out of food. She made her way to her closet and opened the doors to reveal her many hatchets. Anna grabbed her infantry belt, which hung on a metal hook, and clipped it around her waist before sliding two hatchets into the belt loops. She smiled when she grabbed her bunny mask. It lay in her giant hands as memories of her mother flooded her thoughts. Finally, Anna put the mask on, cracked her neck, and left her house.

The sunlight passed through the many leaves above Anna. It calmed her as she walked. She took a deep breath which allowed the smell of dirt and wood to overpower the faint copper that stained her clothes. Anna had then heard a few branches crack under pressure. The sudden noise caused her to read one of her weapons. The metal blade glinted against the rays above and reflected onto you, who just so happened to be right in front of Anna.

You looked up at Anna with sorrow buried deep into your eyes. She slipped her hatchet back into the respective loop and then crouched down in front of you. Your tiny hands rubbed each other as you shivered against your wet clothes. "Are you okay? Can you tell me your name?"

Your bottom lip quivered, making Anna's eyes widen behind her bunny mask. She tried to shush you by grabbing your hands and rubbing minicircles into them, but salty tears streamed down your face instead. Finally, she reached around your body and pulled you towards her shoulder. Anna let your tears stain her already blood-ridden top. She picked you up and carried your crying body back to her house. Anna opened the door with her foot, made her way through the many rooms, and ended up in her bedroom. She laid you down against her many blankets, and she smiled when she realized you fell asleep against her body. She tucked you into her bed and turned on the fan above you before leaving the room. Anna sighed and went back outside to actually get food this time.

A few days had passed, and Anna still didn't know your name. You slept and ate, but you never seemed to want to talk. But she wanted to try and get something out of you. Anna sat on the edge of her bed as you eyed her carefully. "We have never actually introduced ourselves to each other. My name is Anna. What's yours?"

"Y/N..." You looked down at your fingers as they interlocked into different positions.

"Why were you in the woods the day I found you?" Your eyes started to gather tears when Anna asked the question. You gripped the blankets underneath you until your knuckles became white.

"Mommy said to run, so I did. She was scared. I'm not sure what happened." A few tears started to fall from your face as you continued to tell Anna what happened that day.

Anna ended up hugging you and letting you cry against her shirt. Then, she got an idea. She gave you a smile and wiped away your tears as she pulled away. Next, she took your hand and led you to her closet. When she opened it, Anna grabbed one of her miniature hatchets from her youth and placed it in your hands. A look of confusion crossed your face as you were dragged outside by her.

"My mother taught me how to hunt. When she died, it helped with my emotions. So, I'll teach you." You nodded and looked up towards Anna with determination deep in your bones. She grinned as both of you walked closer to the forest.

A few days had passed, and your aim had gotten better. You had already killed about four rabbits, and you tried at a deer but missed. Anna was proud of you. She was proud of your mental growth since living with her. The bushes in front of Anna started to sway as you walked out from them with another rabbit dangling from your hand. "Look! I got another one!"

"Good job! Put it in the basket." A giggle escaped your mouth as you placed it next to Anna before running off into the woods again. A small smile crossed Anna's face as she started to skin the animals. Maybe she was getting attached, but she liked having a partner in crime.

A few months had passed, and winter was upon you. The snow had been falling for days against the ground. Anna loved this time of year. The sparkling powder against the muted greens was such a sight to see. Then she heard a round of coughs come from behind her. You sat near the fireplace with a runny nose and rosy red cheeks. Anna felt a stab go through her heart when she realized what was happening. "Are you okay?"

You coughed and hacked in reply, making Anna's heart sink further. "I'm cold but warm... It hurt..."

Anna looked up at the ceiling as tears formed in her eyes. She didn't want you to end up like the last. She had prepared for this. Anna got up and ransacked the cabinets until she found many different herbs. She ground them together and added them to water before heating them into a drinkable tea. Then, she gently placed it in your hands. Anna crossed her fingers in hopes that the mixture would work. You sat the cup down and licked your lips after a long sip. Anna sighed out of slight relief.

She cheered inside her head, praising herself until a large thump sounded beside her. You were laid down on the ground, lifeless. The cup was knocked over, and the contents were split everywhere. Anna crawled up next to you and checked your pulse repeatedly in different spots, but to no avail. Tears fell from her face. They dripped onto your clothes and stained them. Anna screamed in pain as half of her heart was torn away from her.

Anna picked herself off the ground. Her blood ran cold as she touched the handle of a shovel that lay by the door. She started to dig behind her house. The hole she dug got more profound the longer she shoveled. Anna threw the tool into the mix of snow and dirt before she went back inside and grabbed your cold corpse. Then, she gently placed you into the hole. More tears fell onto the ground as she stood above your grave.

"I'm sorry it ended like this. Hopefully, you didn't suffer. Hopefully, the tea took you quickly. Goodbye, young one. You were the best yet." Anna picked the shovel back up and dusted layers over your body. Each layer was more heartbreaking than the last, and when she finally had to pack the grave in further, she looked at the mounds that accompanied your newly formed one. There were over twenty others. The sight drove Anna into despair overdrive. She wanted to be a savior to you and everyone else who needed the help, but she was just a dark rabbit who took their lives.

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