The Four Of You

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✩ The Legion ✘ Fem!Reader ✩

❝It's hard to wait for something you know might never happen, but it's even harder to give up when you know it's everything you want.❞

Frank was following Y/N around the hideout. He had made her mad and was trying to apologize, but she wasn't having any of it. She kept walking, trying to make him understand that she didn't want to talk at the moment, but he wasn't stopping anytime soon.

Joey saw the scene unfolding and decided to help the E/C-eyed girl. He went up beside Y/N and asked her what was wrong. "This asshat won't leave me the hell alone." He looked at her, confused, and wondered what Frank did.

Joey and Frank were following Y/N around; she began to grow angered at both of them. Yelling about how they need to get away and leave her be. She made her way around the resort twice, and they were still following.

Susie watched as she went around and decided to calm Y/N down. She speed-walked her way up to the H/L H/C hair girl and tried to make her see the guy's point of view. "Why are you telling me what they think? I don't need to understand; I need some damn space." The girl with the braces jumped at the loudness of her voice and listed off multiple sorries.

Susie, Joey, and Frank were all now following Y/N. The girl was getting tired of them calling her name, trying to make her listen. She eventually zigzagged her way around the place she called home four times, and still had the three on her tail.

Julie had been examining the situation the whole time and finally guessed it was her turn to go. She made her way confidently, not caring about the worried looks from the others. She put her arm around Y/N and uttered a single thought to her that made her change her mind.

"Julie's right... If I don't tell you now, then you won't stop later... It's just... The four of you... I can't choose... I thought if I could push you guys away, then you would leave me alone... But you didn't... I love all of you... All four of you..." The group of four looked at Y/N with love in their eyes. They admired her more than they would admit and encased her in a group hug, telling her whatever happened happens, and nothing could stop them from loving her.

Photo credits to procsimo on Tumblr

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