Stroll Through Town and Unexpected Reunions

Start from the beginning

Honestly, he almost felt bad for intruding on those who helped him recover just fine. After some casual talk, they introduced themselves as Kali and Ghira, the leaders of Menagerie. Having never been to Menagerie before, he asked what it was like.

From what he was told, the continent itself was just over 3/4 desert, whilst the remaining 1/4 is habital land. The village itself is named Kuo Kuana, and and it looks nice from he's seen.

Walking through the marketplace for something to eat (preferably fish), Jaune looked around seeing everyone get along. Its been a while sense he saw anything this peaceful, because every other day back during the prehistoric times was one fight for survival after another. 

Something this peaceful, felt refreshing.

Looking over the stalls, Jaune found one serving various fish. The who was manning it was a brown haired woman with a deer's tail poking out. Her appearance wasn't all that eye catching, just a brown t-shirt with brown shorts, but her eyes shown a kindness similar to perhaps Velvet and Ruby, Jaune theorised.

Walking over to her, Jaune gave his greetings.

"Hey there! How much for the tuna fish?" he asked. Even as a human, tuna had always been one of his favourite meals to eat. However, before he could get his answer, something strange happened.

As the woman was going to greet him, the moment she looked in his azure eyes she froze. Then she went so pale, one would think she was a corpse. Slightly shaking in noticeable fear, she whispered something that had him shocked.

"Alpha..." she said, right before fainting on the spot. Before she could hit the ground, Jaune managed to catch her, leaning over the counter top of the stall to do so.

All around him, those nearby who heard the commotion looked at the disturbance, seeing him with the girl in his arms out cold. Sick of the silence and worried about her well being, he shouted to them at the top of his lungs.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE! GET SOME HELP OVER HERE!" he called out, his voice echoing out from his lungs. Shocked out of their stupor, some of them went to get some medical assistance.

All the while, Jaune's thoughts were on overdrive.

'What did she mean by "Alpha"?' he thought to himself.

=Timeskip, Kuo medical tent=

Keeping the theme of an old time village, the medical facility on Menagerie was just a beige coloured tent, only able to fit 20 patients at a time.

On one of the beds was the same Deer Faunus that Jaune had somehow scared into fainting. Even now, he couldn't come up with a possible reason as to why. The only thing had to go off of was when she whispered "Alpha" to him, and even that wasn't much. Hearing the tent flaps, Jaune looked to his left, seeing Kali and Ghira coming in and standing next to him.

"We heard what happened in the market. Do you know what caused this?" Kali asked in a 'concerned mother' sort of way.

"That's what I'm still trying to figure out. I just went to her stall asking for the price of the tuna when she looked into my eyes, paled, and then fainted in front of me. I managed to catch before she hit the floor luckily." he answered.

Looking between themselves, it appeared as if Kali and Ghira were having a silent conversation. This continued on for a few seconds before they looked back to him.

"Did she say anything before passing out?" Ghira asked, his gruff voice laced with concern.

"All I managed to hear from her was the word "Alpha" before she tapped out." that got their attention even more, evident by how the suddenly tensed up. "What? Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Well, the thing is... In Remnant, there is a rare occurrence, borderline near impossible, that when a Faunus is born, they are what as known as an 'Alpha Faunus'. They're stronger, faster and have more enhanced senses than regular Faunus." Kali told him.

"What does that have to do with me?" Jaune asked, looking between the two.

"Simple. An Alpha Faunus is recognisable due to them having more than one trait. Say, an Alpha Wolf Faunus for example, would have a wolf tail as well as wolf ears. A regular Wolf Faunus would just have either the tail or ears, never both." Ghira clarified.

Looking over himself, Jaune came to a realisation.

"She said that because I'm an Alpha." he concluded, Kali and Ghira nodding in turn. "But, that doesn't explain why the girl fainted when she saw me." Jaune discovered after some thinking.

"It has to do with a Faunus' animal instincts. Deer are herbivores, while your Faunus traits show you're a carnivore. Like animals in the wild, the carnivores hunt down the herbivores as they're easy prey. She fainted because, not only of those instincts, but also because you're so strong of an Alpha that your very presence invokes fear. For herbivorous Faunus anyway." Kali said, whispering that last part. Fortunately, Jaune was able to hear it.

"What do you mean "For herbivorous Faunus anyway"?" he asked.

After a moment of silence, Ghira told him.

"As mentioned, Faunus have the instincts of their animal counterparts. Your presence brings fear to the herbivorous Faunus, but should you encounter a carnivorous Faunus, well..." Ghira trailed off, as if contemplating he should tell him. "If the Faunus is a female, they would become sexually attracted to you. Only because of your strength." Ghira quickly explained, looking uncomfortable explaining the subject.

"Look, why don't we head back to the house and we can talk there? Sound alright?" Kali suggested, Jaune and Ghira looking to each other, then Kali before nodding to her.

Unaware of a ship containing a certain feline and ape on board.

Author's Notes

Welp, managed to get this done. Honestly had some trouble writing this chapter. Hopefully the later ones are easier. Also, for those who have a hatred for Ironwood/ all of Atlas, have no fear. I've got ideas for them in this story.

Until next time, Redsummer out.

Jaune Arc, King of the Monsters (RWBY x Godzilla Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now