Chapter 29- Designing Heroism

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The ideas began to roll for the accessories you could have, but the overall design of your suit was still lacking. Izuku and Ochaco noticed from the front of the room that Kirishima, Kaminari, and Katsuki all were crowding around your desk as you worked. 

"Whatcha up to (y/n)?" Izuku spoke innocently. This grabbed the attention of others in the room as well since you were the only person gaining a crowd.

"Designing my hero uniform...I could really use the help." You spoke honestly. Katsuki's eyes narrowed while Deku's glimmered. You could tell the green boy was inspired, him studying your quirk in his journal since your arrival.

"Oh wow! That's right! You don't have a uniform. What if we helped give you ideas?" He spoke. Ochaco smiled at him as he spoke, something you wish she did more. She barely spoke to you lately and it hurt your heart. What if she hates me?

"That would help for sure." Momo turned towards you excitedly along with Mina.

"Wearing something that is enhancing your quirk and the way in which you fight would be ideal for you! Mine, for instance, needs to be open because that's how I access the items I create." Momo spoke. Mina winked at you with a bright white smile.

"Wear something that enhances your figure too! Gotta look sexy for ya man!" Mina teased, a bright red blush forming on your cheeks. Katsuki had a hint of a smile curve against his lips. Maybe he didn't think too badly of his classmates. Todoroki looked over at you, offering you a gentle expression.

"I'm sure no matter what you wear, you'll look great in it." Your blush only increased and Katsuki's smile turned into a frown. Iida decided to step in, stopping the conversation in its path.

"We are all supposed to be studying for finals right now...but I agree with helping (y/n) design a costume after hers was destroyed to save us. It's only right." Iida walked to the blackboard with a piece of chalk.

"Okay (y/n), give me some concepts and we will all help put it together." You felt an intense sensation of unity with your class, your heart feeling warmed and grateful for each and every one of them. You began to grow nervous, but a hand on your knee from your favorite explosive boy put a stop to that.

"I-I don't know where to begin!" You spoke with uncertainty. Izuku came up to you despite Katsuki's clear displeasure. For some reason, your usually angry boyfriend was actually calm and quiet...leaving you confused. He hated Deku talking to you so casually...but he knew how fragile your hero identity was. Anything could leave you in a web of doubt, so it was best to leave Deku alone when he was trying to help make you confident...well as long as Deku didn't try any funny bullshit.

"Well (y/n)...something that motivated my costume was that I designed it after what I pictured would be the perfect hero...I made it resemble what made me want to become a hero." You sat at your desk for a moment thinking about what Deku said.

What made me motivated to become a hero...who was there for support me becoming a hero? Who told me first that I had what it takes to be a hero?

All Might.

"Iida...prepare for your hand to hurt." You spoke with a glimpse of a fire in your eyes.


"Already? It's not even the end of the day." Aizawa spoke as you entered his office just as lunch started. You smiled at your teacher as you handed him the notebook.

"I had a lot of help designing this. The class took a weight off my shoulders." Aizawa opened up the book and looked at your design, color scheme, and accessories that you had for your costume.

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