1. Gone for a day

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Percy's POV:

It has almost been a week after the battle and defeat of Gaea.

And since a long, long time things were calm and good. Yet it would have been better if Leo was there with us. We all miss him a lot.
But still, I was glad to be back at camp with everyone.

I took about 4 days after the battle to rest. We had a ceremony for Leo and the other campers that had died.
I was told to take some more time and rest after everything that had happened. But I really wanted to see my mom and stepdad Paul.

During breakfast I walked to Annabeth and I asked if she wanted to come along.
She was talking to a guy. Matthew I think.
She once told me he used to be a good friend of hers when she first got to camp.

She told me that she didn't have time to come with me. She was kind of annoyed I interrupted her conversation.
I shrug it off and let it go. It was a hard time for her too.

I traveled to my moms apartment in Manhattan.

As I wanted to knock on the door, my hand stopped mid-air. I was so nervous to see them again. How was I going to explain where I was for almost a year.

I could almost imagine that conversation:
'Hi mom, I was kidnapped by a goddess and woke up with amnesia after 8 months. Then I discovered there was a Roman camp all along. I traveled to Alaska with some new friends. Oh and there we defeated a giant and released the god of death. Also we sailed to Rome with Annabeth and some others. We almost got killed a couple of times on our way. When I was in Rome, Annabeth and I fell into Tartaurus. We both survived and closed the doors of death. Then we set sail for Greece and defeated the other giants. And after that we had a huge battle in camp half-blood but the greeks and romans worked together and then we defeated Gaea.'
Sure that would be a great plan.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

When my mom opened the door I was lost for words. She looked tired but still as beautiful as ever. And her eyes were looking at me in disbelief.

"Percy? Is that really you?" She whispers as if she is scared to chase me away.

"Hi mom." I say with tears in my eyes. "It's me."

And with that she pulls me into a hug and we land on the floor. She whispers my name over and over again. She silently sobs on my shoulder.

"Sally? Who is it ?" I hear a male voice call from the living room. Paul.

But mom either didn't hear him or she is unable to answer. When he doesn't get an answer Paul walks to the door to check.
When I look up he falls on his knees beside me and gives me a fatherly hug. I smile.

We sit like that for a while.

Then my mom gets up and demands to know everything. And when she says everything. She means it.

When I sit down on the couch mom sits next to me while Paul gets us something to drink and eat.

When I was done explaining it was silent. Mom and paul were pretty shaken up by everything. Mom held my hand the entire time. As if she still couldn't believe I was back. I tried to tell it less dangerous and scary than it really was.

We ordered pizza's and just talked for the rest of the night. And I decided to crash here for the night and head back to camp tomorrow.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.


I woke up and took a shower.

We had a nice breakfast and I told them I was going back to camp today. There was a lot to be done there.
They understood and made me promise to visit or iris-message them once in a while.

The rest of the day went fast and at the end of the afternoon I arived back at camp.

I went to my cabin to ditch my bag and went out to search for Annabeth.

I walked around camp. But something felt off.
After a minute or so I figured it out.
There was no laughter. People walked around without smiles. I know that everyone is still recovering from the war.
But still. It was weird. Maybe I missed something.

When I asked a group of Demeter kids if they had seen Annabeth they looked at me with a annoyed face.

"Do I look like I care ?" A girl in the group says looking very annoyed at me.

I raise my eyebrows. And answered that question with an smart answer.

"Uhh.. No?"

"Maybe she doesn't want to see you and is hiding somewhere." A guy in the group says.

"Jeez what's up with you? I only asked if you had seen her. A simple no would have done it." I say agitated.

They turned their backs to me.

The stoll brothers passed me.
As they look at me they keep walking without greeting me. They never do that. They always try to steal my wallet or something.

This is weird. I look around and see Piper talking to Hazel. I walk up to them.

"Hey guys. What's up with the people in camp?" I ask confused. But they look up at me like I interrupted a nice conversation.

"Well maybe you should cut them some slack." Hazel scolds. I look at her in surprise.

"Hazel?" I ask a little bit confused.

"Jeez Percy. I can't believe you. You are just annoying everyone. Everybody here is mourning Leo and the other fallen demigods.. And acting like everything if fine and visiting your mom? Like you went on a nice little holiday. How nice." Piper says arms crossed.

"What!? I just got back and asked if someone had seen Annabeth!" I say offended.

"It's always the same with you isn't it? Annabeth this, Annebeth that. Give that poor girl some space! Can't you see that she is getting suffocated with you?" Hazel says.

"Wh- What? She said that?" I ask with disbelief. She wouldn't. Right?

"Of course she did. She was just happy you were gone for a day. Why else would she say she didn't want to come along." Piper says accusingly.

They turn around and ignore me.

What in the Hades is happening here?

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