Chapter 9: Regions Apart

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"No problem, I told Ash I'd be calling him in a bit so let's find the nearest Pokémon Center" I explained

"There's one not too far from here" Luke said and me and Milly began to follow him

"So what do you two do for a living?" I asked as we began to make our way

"I do Pokémon contests and Luke does work with Professor Birch" Milly answered

"Oh that's cool" I said

"So what inspired you to become a Pokémon performer anyways Serena?" Luke asked

"Uh, A-Ash inspired me to become a performer. He thought I would be good at it and I always a fan of the idea so I gave it a go and it's been going good so far" I answered

"Hmm...." Milly said suspiciously

"Anything else that you do?" Luke then asked

"Well I go to school on a regular basis" I added

"Oh I heard they have school in Kalos. I didn't think you would go there though" Milly said

"Yeah Ash also goes there too along with my other friends" I replied

"That's cool. Got any classes with Ash?" Milly asked

"Four out of six" I answered and Milly nodded her head as we walked into the Pokémon Center

I then walked over to the video screen and I put Ash's phone number, and he answered pretty quickly and I could see him in another Pokémon center

"Hey Serena!" Ash exclaimed

"Hey Ash!" I replied and I gave a small wave

"Oh my gosh it's Ash Ketchum!" Milly shouted in excitement

"Uh, hey there" He replied

"Don't worry about her. She's a big fan" Luke said

"Oh that's cool I guess" Ash said in response as he scratched the back of his head

"So Ash-" I was about to say but Gary took over the screen as he shoved Ash out of the way

"What the (censor) Gary" Ash complained and both rooms were filled with silence

"Calm down Ashy boy" Gary said

"Ash, watch your language" I added as I crossed my arms

"Sorry Serena" Ash apologized, sounding and looking truly sorry so I giggled

"Anyways like I was going to say. How's Hoenn?" Gary asked

"It's pretty good so far although I haven't gotten a chance to do anything yet" I answered

"Oh. You should've seen Ash, he was so bummed out in school, he even got detention because he wasn't paying attention" Gary explained and he laughed

"Shut up Gary" Ash gritted through his teeth and he pushed him out of the screens view

"Is that true Ash?" I asked

"N-No" He answered

"I can tell your lying" I sung

"Ok fine" Ash admitted and I laughed a bit

"So anything happen since I left?" I then asked

"Not really" Ash replied blandly

"He's lying" Gary interjected

"Well what happened?" I asked again

"Don't tell her Gary" Ash threatened

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