I let go of Maria shoulder but kept a farm hold on her waist to keep her balance. "It's okay I'm gonna keep you safe" I whispered softly into her ear hopefully to soothe her a little.
I still don't know what's happened with her or what was this phone call she got but I didn't want to push her so I guess I'm gonna ask her later.

"Harry come on hurry up we are leaving!" Louis said when he saw us coming he give a small smile to Maria who was absolutely zoned out on her own world staring into the floor like she gonna make a hole into it.
I squeeze her waist letting her know that she had to climb the stairs of the bus which she did and I followed behind her.

Everyone was laughing and chatting but when they saw both of us getting into the bus completely socked with my jacket around Maria everyone stopped talking and I heard a couple of gasping

"Oh my god Maria sister what happened?" Noor get up from her seat next to Virginia and came to Maria who was still looking at the bus floor

"I'm- I'm fine..Noor don't- don't worry I just..lost my way.." she whispered shakily

"Noor come on before the bus move go back to your seat and wear your seatbelt" I ordered Noor gave her sister one last worried look before she nodded her head and went back to her seat.

I guided Maria to her seat next to the window and I set next to her still worried about her.

Clare came to me and throw Maria's jacket that she forget into the restaurant harshly on my face I catch it and said thank you she just rolled her eyes and disappear in the front of the bus

I tried to take my jacket softly off of Maria's shoulders but she kept a tight hold on it "Maria..give me this one it's socked" I whispered she just nodded still not looking up from her lap.

I took my jacket slowly off of her shoulders and put hers instead "your..eh, your seatbelt..wear it" I said softly and she nodded again and put her seatbelt.
Okay now I'm very worried what the hell was this phone call that made Maria's mood change completely like that? she was so happy and cheeky two hours ago in the museum

The bus started moving and Louis was checking the students "Sarah wear your seatbelt please..." he said to the girl in the front while he continued moving in the bus checking everybody.

When he reach me he looked with his worried eyes at my wet state I just nodded my head telling him I'm fine and smiled softly at him he nodded back and continue checking the back of the bus and set in his seat with his group in the very back.

I looked out the window...

And then back to Maria she was looking outside the window with focused eyes like she's deep in thoughts

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And then back to Maria she was looking outside the window with focused eyes like she's deep in thoughts. I was about to ask her if she's okay but decided against it...she needs time.

After the bus stilled in one speed on the Main Street miss Clare stand up
"Okay guys so bad news as you can see it's raining really bad at the moment... aand I can't risk you getting sick we already have Mr. Styles and Maria wet from head to toe so, let's just cancel today. We are going back to the hotel" she shrugged and set down after she finished her speech. Why she had to mention us in this! God I don't like her at all.

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