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The delicate little flower that represents the world.
Life has so many unexpected turns to it.
Where there is life, there is death.
Where there is laughter, there is pain.
Where there is light, there is dark.
There is an equal and opposite reaction for everything.
But that wasn't our story.

The story we followed showed sacrifice and second chances.
When we started our story, (Y/n) was young yet wise beyond her years.
As for Philip, he was charming yet needed to wake up to the real world.
They fought because they were the exact opposites of each other.
But when you look past that, you find a young girl and boy.
A young girl who was bruised from the world around her,
a girl who lost her mother to the cruelty of others.
A girl, and her father.
Surviving the only way they could, by fighting their way to the top.
Now, the boy.
A young man, top of his class.
A ladies man, with a loving and supportive family.
A boy naive to the cruelty of the world.

The strange thing is.
The thing that brought them together was the thing that tore his family apart.
When the father did something unforgivable and unforgettable.
The girl was there, caught In a storm of regret and fear,
where she had been for the past years of her life.
Why did she tell everyone?
She wanted that arrogant boy to wake up from his fantasy life. And, he did.
The boy finally knew the meaning of the word "betrayal",
he was hurt, scared, confused, and alone.
(Y/n) and Philip could have stayed enemies, but that's not what happened.
Sure, Philip was upset with her for a while, but never let it show.
This girl had gone through too much, so had the boy,
but now, they had each other.
And together they would take on the world their fathers had fought to create.
They were their own legacies, their own stories,
and they fought for their happily ever after.
And they got it.
They lived
They will die
But They told their stories.

There were many ups and downs, happy parts and sad moments in our story.
But in the end, life plays out the way it's supposed too.
The end of the world today might be the beginning of a new chapter tomorrow.
Thank you. For the support of this book.
I love you all.

"This is why it was you my sweet (Y/n)"

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