only the beginning

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(Y/n)'s pov

I woke up the next day to my father hovering over me,  creepy.
"Dad what are you doing an why are you wearing all black?" i ask thinking one of our servants died.
"Morning sweetheart! you have to where an all black dress today its a national day of mourning." he replies.
"why?" i question him again while getting out of bed and walking to my closet.
"some guy named John Laurens died in south Carolina, apparently he was a commanding officer of a battalion in South Carolina."my dad responds then walks out so I can change.
'isn't that one of hamiltons friends'  i think to myself before getting changed. when i walk downstairs i see my dad waiting for me.
"dad is it okay if i skip breakfast to go see some friends who knew Mr. Laurens?" i say, dad only nods while smiling. i say goodbye then run outside to the carriage waiting for me.
"where to miss?" the driver asks.
"The Hamilton residence."  i respond, he nods then starts driving.

~~~~~~~time skip brought to you by Lafayette eating croissants~~~~~~~~   

I arrive at the Hamilton household and walk up the stairs, i knock on the door.
"Hello who are you?" a little girl asks me after opening the door.
"I'm (Y/n) Jefferson a friend of Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton. Who might you be?" i say bending down to look her in the eye, while smiling at her.
"Oh i'm Angelica church Hamilton!" she responds smiling back. oh my lord shes so cute!
"Angie who's at the door?" a male voice calls from behind her most likely one of her other brothers.
"A friend of mommy's! She's here to talk with mama about Mr. laurens!" she calls back.
"Well let her in then!" he yells. Angelica opens the door and lets me in.
"Can you lead me to your mother?" i ask her, she nods then grabs my hand taking off down the hall, shes really fast. She leads me in to what looks like a living room.
"Angie who's with you?" someone asks from around a corner.
"Her name is (Y/n) Jefferson! shes looking for mommy! She's also really pretty!" she calls to the voice, and out walks phillip hamilton.
"(Y/n)? what are you doing here?" he asks.

"I'm here on personal business that doesn't involve you, hamilton. Now, Where is your mother" i say through gritted teeth.
"She's in the garden your majesty!" he snaps back, angie leads me outside and i see Mrs  hamilton sitting on a bench next to some rose bushes.
"Mrs Hamilton?" i say, she turns to me her eyes red from crying, i run over to her and embrace her in a hug.
"I'm so so sorry eliza." i say choking on my words. I cant stand to see her like this.
"oh (Y/n) no need to have pity on me I didn't really know laurens. It just pains me to see Alexander have an emotional breakdown." she responds.
"Well neither alexander nor phillip like me right now so can't really give the, my pity." i quietly say.
"Why's that?" she asks.

"Well i said some rude things about alexander, but i apologized, and phillip hit me in the face and i said we had no reason to talk anymore." i say holding back tears.
"oh you poor thing you'll get through it, and phillip has no reason to hurt you, I'll talk with him later!" she says.
"No Mrs Hamilton its my fault. Jeffersons are all like this" i say getting up and brushing myself off.
"I'm sorry Mrs hamilton but i must take my leave i have work to do at the court house." i say, she hugs me then leads me out.

~~~~~~~~~~~another time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  I walk into my office dad has provided me with. It had started raining out so my office was decently cold,  figures. I lit the fire place and got to work.

"Well well well if it isn't little miss Jeffershit!" i hear someone say.

"Hamilton! How nice to see you. i had no idea Hamiltons knew such big words like 'shit' i'm surprised, no really" i reply not looking up from my papers.

"you really like those papers." phillip says.

"Nah. I just don't like you!" i say smiling to myself.

"Ouch. Ok, I'm gonna say it. I don't understand why we cant be friends!" phillip finally says getting me to look up at him.

"If I listed all the reasons I'd have a novel. Also, i'm a Jefferson, and your a Hamilton. Polar opposites, ya know. Like summer to winter, Britain to America, war to peace.  " i say looking back down.

"(Y/n) why are you so stubborn!" he sighs.

"why are you so set on being my friend?" i say back standing up from my desk.

"Because i'm trying to be nice!" he says.

"I am to! by not getting your hopes up!" i say.

"What dad says is true. You really are like your dad in all the wrong ways." he says.

"i don't we have a reason to talk anymore phillip." i said turning around to look out the window. i hear the door shut.

Phillip hamilton hasn't spoke to me again.

(A/n)~ no this is not the last chapter we have a lot more to go through! Hold on tight guys this is gonna get good!

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