Wait what!? (part 2)

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(Y/n) pov

"Wait........WHAT!" philip screams before falling out of his chair. My dad and Alexander looked at each other then started crying about how they were going to be grandfathers. Chris and James started asking me millions of questions, the older Hamilton children congratulated me and gave me a hug, all while little William just sat and stared.

Before I could say anything to William, philip walked over and hugged me.

"We're gonna be parents." He cried as a huge smile spread across his face. I nodded and William walked over to philip.

"Bubba. I wanna go outside." He said solemnly, the room when silent at his sudden lack of enthusiasm. Before philip could respond he walked outside and I looked back to eliza.

"Eliza, do you wanna go talk to him?" I ask. She looks at me then shakes her head 'no'

"I think you should talk to him (Y/n). He seems to be more open around you." She says, philip hugs me then I walk outside. I walk outside and look down to see William sitting in the grass looking at the sky. I walk over to him and sit down next to him.

"Hey Will, what's wrong?" I ask. He looks at me and I see the tears running down his face, I tense up and wipe a tear from his cheek.

"William. Why are you crying." I say. He sniffs and looks away.

"Because you gonna leave me!" He cries before turning to me and standing up.

"What do you mean?!" I ask as he takes a step away from me.

"Once your dumb baby comes from the storks your gonna care about it more then me!" He shouts. I watch as he starts crying even more and his legs start shaking. I sit up and put my hand on his shoulder.

"William." I say. He looks at me and huggs me.

"I don't wanna lose you." He cries. I get on my knees to look him in the eyes.

"You won't ever lose me. I promise." I say. He wipes his tears and looks at me.

"Double pinky promise?" He asks. I nod and he smiles.

"Double pinky promise. Here, how about you and me go on a trip somewhere." I say. He nods then thinks for a minute.

"Let's go to grandpa Jeffersons house in Virginia!" He chirps. I nod and he smiles.

"Then let's go!" I smile, he sits back down and we continue talking.

Philip pov

I watch (Y/n) and William sit and talk in the front yard. I never knew it was possible to love someone so much.

I probably never have loved someone this much, but (Y/n), oh god. I love her so much, I owe my life to her and I would do anything to make her happy. And to see her, the mother of my child, sitting out with my little brother and comforting him makes me feel more at home then I ever could.

"Philip. I think we are going to head home." I hear mom say, I turn to look at her and she smiles.

"Alright, do you want me to go get william?" I ask. Mom looks at me then back over to (Y/n).

"Can he spend the night here. I have a feeling he isn't going to want to leave her." She says. I nod and they walk out of the house and over to (Y/n) and William. I watch as William jumps into (Y/n)s arms and (Y/n) stands up. My family then walks off and (Y/n) and William walk back towards the house.

~~~~~time skip~~~~~

William was asleep and (Y/n) was lying on our bed poking at her stomach.

"Are you trying to annoy our child?" I ask. She looks at me and then back to her stomach.

"I'm just trying to process everything." She responds. I look at her and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm trying to process the fact there is a human growing in my fucking stomach." She says quietly so William couldn't hear her in the guest room.

"I never thought about it like that." I respond. She laughs and looks at the ceiling. I lay down next to her and she wraps her arms around me, pulling herself close to make herself comfy.

"Goodnight my love." I say to her. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Goodnight Philip." She says quietly. I was about to fall asleep when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turn over to see William holding his teddy bear and blanket.

"What's wrong William? Have another bad dream?" I ask. He nods and (Y/n) looks up.

"Here, come lay between us." She says. I scoot over and William crawls in and gets comfy.

"Goodnight everyone." I hear (Y/n) say.

"Goodnight both of you." I respond.

"Goodnight sissy and Bubba." William says quietly before drifting off to sleep. I drift off to sleep knowing that all is right with the world.

(A/n): sorry this is short! I'm tired and the next chapter is going to be half happy then it's gonna do a good-ol downwards spiral............. That's fun to write. I'm crying because of the next chapter...... HAVE FUN!

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