Welcome to Monticello!

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(A/n) soooooo, this isn't going to be the sad chapter. I wanted one more good run with this character.

(Y/n)'s pov

I woke up to see neither philip or William were in the room. I walked down the stairs when I heard philip talking to William.

"Alright little bro, I'm not coming on your little trip with (Y/n) and you so you've got to be the man and keep her safe! Got it?" Philip says brightly. I walk into the kitchen and William turns to me.

"Im gonna protect you!" He exclaims. I laugh and walk over to him.

"You will. I believe in you." I smile. William smiles brightly and philip walks over next to me.

"Hey will, why don't you go outside and get a flower from the garden. You can give it to mom before you go." He says. William nods then runs out of the house. Philip gives me a kiss on the head and looks at me.

"How are my two favorite people doing?" He asks. I tilt my head and look at him.

"Two?" I say. He laughs and nods.

"One." He says while pointing at me, he then points at my stomach and smiles. "Two." He says happily. I laugh and smile while he looks at my stomach and smiles brightly.

"You're a dork." I laugh. He nods and wraps his arms around my waist.

"You love me though." He responds. I smile and give him a sweet kiss on the cheek before pulling away and walked into the kitchen.

"What are you making?" I ask as I hear William come running back in.

"We were gonna make you some French toast!" William bounces as he sets down the flowers he got.

"Well then, get started! It's my vacation apparently!" I laugh. Philip and William nod and start working together.

~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~

"Ok William, you've got your suitcase and everything you need?" Eliza asked. William nodded and gave her a hug.

"How about you? You have everything you need for the week?" Philip asks me.

"I do, and I'm going home. Everything I need is there." I laugh. Philip shakes his head and smiles.

"Alright have fun. I love you and I will see you when you get home." He says. I turn to Alexander and instantly something just plummets in me. Philip looks at me and pulls me aside.

"What's wrong? Is it the baby?" He asks panicked manner.

"No! I'm only two months in! Its just.... " My voice trails off and Philip puts his hand on my cheek and looks at me.

"I know what you're thinking, I won't cheat on you. I'm not my dad and I won't make the same mistake. I want to be there for you and our baby and I won't do anything to mess that up." He reassures me and I smile, he then plants a sweet kiss on my lips.

"Have an amazing time, I love you more then you can ever imagine." Philip says.

"I will, I love you more then you love me." I laugh, Philip shakes his head and helps me into the carriage where William was leaning out the window talking to his mom.

"William you ready?" I ask, he turns back to me and nods.

"Bye mama! I love you!" William says to Eliza. Eliza gives him a kiss on the cheek and Alexander walks over to him and smiles.

"We love you too. Have a great time." He smiles. William leans back into the  carriage and the carriage starts moving.

"Off to Monticello!" William smiles and looks at me. I laugh and he grabs something out of his bag and looks at it, very contently might I add.

"What ya looking at william?" I ask leaning over a bit to look at it. He closes it quickly and shakes his head 'no'

"You can't see it yet! It's a surprise for when my cousin gets here!" He says. I smile and nod.

"Do you ever miss your mommy?" William asks out of nowhere, he catches me off guard and I look at him.

"I...... I really don't think about it like that. I miss my mommy every day but I always think about the good times not the bad times." I say. William smiles and looks away.

"Why?" I ask, he looks at me and shifts in his seat a bit.

"Promise you won't tell anyone?" He asks. I nod and he sits up a bit.

"I'm afraid momma and daddy are going to split up because of me." He says. I freeze and instantly lean in to hug him.

"Oh William, no they aren't! They won't ever do that to you! They love you so so much." I say. He hugs me back and then pulls away.

"Promise?" He asks, tears running down his face.

"Triple pinky promise!" I say. He smiles and leans back.

"Good." He laughs quietly and looks out the window. I look out too, I'm finally going home! My home.


~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~

We arrive and I wake William up.

"Huh? Are we there?" He asks quietly. I nod and open the door of the carriage. He hops out behind me and looks at my house.

"Woah. What's that!?" He asks quickly. I laugh and look at my house.

"Welcome William, to Monticello."

Why Me?(Philip Hamilton x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя