We're here. That's what matters.

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(Y/n)  POV.

We arrived at Italy early one morning. I walked hand in hand with Philip towards the house Eliza had gifted us. It was a large ornate house with 4 acres of land for us. I ran inside to see the lavishly decorated house.

"Pip! I can't believe it! This is so beautiful!" I say twirling around the living room to take it all in.

"And it's all ours." He says. I watch him look back.

"Will they be ok?" He asks.

"Our fathers?" I say walking over to him and grabbing his hand.

"Yea. My dad doesn't take things lightly." He smirked before squeezing my hand.

"They made their choice. We've made ours. I hate leaving my father after all he's lost, But this is what will make us happy. And we're here,  that's all that matters." I say looking into Philips brown eyes.

"I really love you." He says leaning into me.

"I love you too." I say before pressing my lips against his. We broke apart after a minute,  then I remembered something I had brought.

"OH!" I exclaim turning around and running over to my luggage I brought.

"Honey, what is it?" Philip says obvious confused. I pull out the box Philip had given to me way before we started dating.

"Is that what I think it is?" Philip says walking over to me.

"It's the box you gave me before we became a couple! I never found the right time to open it!  Now seems like a good time!" I say laughing. Philip nods with a goofy grin on his face. I open the box to see the snow owl quill I thought I lost a year ago.

"Philip. Where did you find this?" I say tears brimming my eyes.

"You left it the day your father left the position of secretary of state." He says while tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"This was my mothers. You have no idea how much this means to me. " I say before hugging Philip. He hugs me back and starts running his hand through my hair.

"There's only one problem about living here." Pip says pulling out of the hug.

"What?" I ask looking at him.

"We need to find well paying jobs. And soon." He says as I play with his  hair.

"Minor setback. But we can get through it!" I say before backing away.

"Then let's get to work." He says smiling.

Me and Philip both got jobs quickly,  I worked at a local library, and Philip was a lawyer like his father.

We planed the wedding together and only invited certain guests that wouldn't snitch to our fathers about our location,  so in short,  Eliza Schuyler Hamilton,  James Madison, Chris Madison,  Angelica Schuyler church,  Philips siblings, my cousin Maria de Lafayette,  my aunt Adeline de Lafayette,  and Uncle Lafayette.

I had made many friends living in italy, they would be bridesmaids but Philips little sister,  Angie, would be maid of honor. She had stood by me through so much, and she'll be my sister soon.

The dress on another hand was a difficult decision. There were so many beautiful options. I wish my father was here,  he always had fashion tips. He always knew what would look good on me,  what wouldn't hug my body too tight,  what made me look perfect.

In short I missed him. I really really miss him and I think Philip is starting to notice,  he's offered to cancel the wedding and go home but I can't face possibly losing him,  Philip makes me laugh,  blush,  and feel amazing. I just can't lose that and have it replaced with someone who won't love me for me.

I would spend hours at the library,  reading to the kids. Philip would stop by occasionally and help read. He would make a great dad,  he was sweet,  always knew how to make kids feel better,  and made everyone laugh. He one time chased the kids around and had to be banned from the library for the day,  let's also say he was banished to the couch that day.

It was a week out from the guests arriving for the wedding. I had finally picked a dress with the help of my friend Leia. It was a simple white dress and it fit perfectly.

~~~~time skip to a week after the guests arrive~~~~

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~~~~time skip to a week after the guests arrive~~~~

I walked home one day only to see Philip running towards me.

"Honey. We have some late guests. And your gonna want to see this." He says. We both start running home but he leads me around to the back door and we slip inside.

"Look through the peephole." He says pointing to the front door. I walk over  and see my father and his standing there. But,  they weren't looking angry. They looked upset with themselves.

"I'm opening the door." I say,  Philip looks up from his papers he was looking at.

"WHAT?! Do you know what they'll do to us?!" He says.

"No I don't. That's why I'm opening the door." I say. He nods then walks over to stand next to me. I feel him grab my hand. We look at each other and nod. I open the door.

"Father." I say looking at my dad.

"Dad." Philip says.

"We're sorry"

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