Chapter Two: Kim Taehyung

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Hey guys. I wanted to mention that I talk about money in this chapter, and since I don't know Korean currency, it will be in US dollars. Sorry for any confusion there. On that note, please enjoy!


After Taehyung's second introduction, he slides his chair over to a tall closet in one section of his classroom. As he throws open the door, every kid gasps or cheers. Inside are art supplies: paints, markers, pencils, crayons, playdough, canvases, clay, and so much more. The supplies are organized neatly by type and color. Watercolor paints share a shelf with acrylics, canvases beneath them while the pencils, markers, and crayons all have thick sheets of paper beside them. Reds are bunched with reds, greens with greens, and so on turning the cupboard into a rainbow explosion of art supplies.

"I want each and every one of you to pick something out when I call your name. You can pick anything you want, and then I want you to create a masterpiece with it!" Taehyung excitedly says, his enthusiasm rubbing off on the kids. Each one eyes the closet as if it is a treasure trove, all trying to decide what it is they want to make and share with the other students. He calls them forward by their first name, memorizing facial features and personalities so he can learn their names faster. It makes him happy to see the children so enthusiastic, all of them chattering about what they want to make and what they want to grab.

Taehyung keeps his eye on the small girl with a dark braid named Momo. She was the only student whose parents didn't come into the room, and it seems like the other students are avoiding her. When she gets up to get her art supplies, no one talks to her near the cabinet nor when she returns to her seat. She doesn't make a fuss about it--as some other kids might--instead, she just gets to work, her desk cluttered with paints and a small canvas.

"If you don't know what to make, why not show me something you love? Draw your kitty or puppy or maybe your family. If you chose clay, maybe show me your favorite flower or sport. Everyone has something unique about them. I want to know what it is!" Taehyung explains once all the kids get their supplies. The class falls into a concentrated silence as they start to craft; brushes, markers, crayons, pencils, and pieces of clay all fly over canvases and construction paper. He can't help but notice how for some students this is really easy. They paint or draw cats and dogs, horses, or family members. He notices Momo hesitate at first before she starts to paint a single figure. A person with a bunny smile and stars in his eyes. Taehyung can only assume this is Momo's dad. He's been informed about Momo's living condition; the teachers are concerned that mentioning the mother might upset her, but Taehyung has a feeling she is much stronger than that. He wanders around the class, complimenting students on their artwork while making sure they all behave. And they do. This is the first day after all. They want to make a good first impression.

The bell rings and the kids instantly disperse for lunch. Well, all but one. Momo sits and continues to paint, her brows furrowed in concentration as she perfects her simple portrait. Taehyung wanders over to her desk, kneeling in front of her so he doesn't spook the girl.

"Momo, dearie, the bell's lunchtime," Taehyung gently says when she doesn't look up at him.

"I know. No one really wants to sit with me though, so I'm okay just painting," she simply replies, and Taehyung feels his heart painfully clench in his chest.

"You don't know that...I'm sure there are some nice kids in other classes," Taehyung suggests, watching as Momo pauses, setting her brush down while thinking. She then reaches into her bag and pulls out a lunchbox, opening it up and grabbing a small meringue drop cookie. Taehyung's eyes widen; never has he seen such a perfect treat offered to him. The swirl is pleasingly symmetric, and the sweet scent teases his senses.

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