Chapter Twenty: Ginger Tea

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Taehyung wanders into school with a smile on his face and a lollipop between his lips. He hums a soft tune while greeting teachers and faculty members on his way to his classroom. He spent most of the night dreaming about Jungkook and the date. He loved every minute of it and learned so much about the single father that he just wants to experience even more if Jungkook will let him in. Taehyung hopes he will. When he enters his classroom, Jimin is already sitting by the desk, a smile on his lips and lean body clad in a dapper button-shirt, tie, vest, trousers, and shiny leather shoes. 

"Morning, Taehyung. I hope your weekend went well," Jimin chimes, standing as the teacher crosses the room and sets his large bag down on the desk. Taehyung quickly finishes his lollipop before tossing the stick in the trash and facing Jimin with a pinched smile on his lips.

"It was pretty good. How about yours?" Taehyung politely asks, fighting the urge to immediately question the man about his presence in the classroom so early in the day.

"It went well. I didn't do anything eventful. Just hung about on my couch and relaxed," Jimin admits with a laugh.

"Hey, couch time is sometimes very necessary," Taehyung says, smiling as he unpacks his bag, "Do you...did you plan to watch my class today as well?" he can't help but ask, yet Jimin shakes his head no.

"I was supposed to, however, I have sufficient evidence gathered from the last inspection and your answers to my questions. I came to just tell you that the school isn't enforcing a termination or suspension of your contract," Jimin states, and Taehyung can feel relief rush through him. He lets out a heavy breath before smiling at the man.

"Thank you. Truly. I really appreciate this opportunity to keep teaching..." Taehyung says, "And I promise not to be as hostile with Momo's mother."

"That won't be necessary. We have a note in Momo's chart to indicate that the mother isn't allowed back for parent/teacher conferences nor is she to step foot in the school. Her vocabulary and complete disregard of Momo's mental wellbeing proved that she shouldn't be around the child, so Mr. Min officially documented the situation in case any further issues arise. Which hopefully they do not," Jimin explains before glancing at his watch, "If you ever need anything feel free to reach out. I am often just floating around in my office," he adds with a friendly smile and a wave. The bell rings the moment Jimin steps out of the class and soon Taehyung's students come pouring in, each one greeting him with a smile and a cheerful "Good morning".

Well, all except Momo. Taehyung notices her absence, and the lack of an explanation from Jungkook, and he begins to worry. He tries not to. He tries to just focus on his class and not the unnerving anxiety boiling in his veins, yet by lunchtime, his worry gets the best of him. He pulls out his cell phone and while unwrapping another lollipop, dials Jungkook's number.

"Hello...?" a groggy voice answers on the third or fourth ring, and Taehyung frowns slightly. Jungkook doesn't sound well, his usually sweet voice cracking and raspy.

"Hey, it's Taehyung...I'm sorry, did I wake you?" he asks, his frown deepening when he hears a cough from Jungkook.

"A bit yeah. I've been on and off napping with Momo...she got sick," Jungkook sighs, the air heavy in the phone receiver, "And of course that meant I got sick, so we've both been recuperating with some sleep..."

"I'm so sorry you got sick. I was worried that would happen, and then of course Momo didn't show today...I just wanted to make sure you were okay..." Taehyung babbles nervously.

"I appreciate the concern, cutie, but we should be okay. Nothing some soup and ginger tea can't fix," Jungkook says, the sound of blankets moving beside him, and Taehyung can hear Momo groan in the background.

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