Chapter Twenty-One: Chocolate Chip Muffins

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Good morning, Tae. Momo and I are feeling so much better, however, I'm still going to keep her out of school today. Just in case she's contagious. Thank you so much for really means a lot to me.

Taehyung reads over the text message again, a shy smile on his lips as Jungkook dances through his mind. Everything about him is exciting to the teacher from his shaggy raven hair to his sweet smile and gentle demeanor. He can be cold and harsh when necessary, but Taehyung never wants to make Jungkook feel like he needs to shut him out again. He'd rather make the man smile. He wants him to be happy and supported. That's all he wants.

When the bell rings, Taehyung sets his phone down and turns his attention to his class. A small piece of his brain feels like he's been neglecting the students though he knows that's not true. He's just been distracted, yet today he doesn't have to worry about Momo or Jungkook, so he can focus even more on the other kiddos in his class. He moves from behind his desk and grins at all the kids coming in, gesturing to the large open carpet with wide hands.

"Good morning everyone! We are going to have storytime, so grab a spot on the rug!" Taehyung chimes and the kids quickly do as they're told, setting bags and lunchboxes down at their desks before scurrying across the room to the rug. Taehyung takes note of the fact that Ian doesn't have a lunchbox and he sits shyly towards the back of the group when he normally is more at the center. He greets Cassidy quietly, smiling softly to only a few of his friends while everyone settles in. The weather outside is cold and gloomy, so Taehyung thought he'd start the day with reading and the alphabet. He grabs one of his favorite books and sits on the floor with the kids.

"How are you this morning, Tae Tae?" one of the students asks, and Taehyung smiles brightly.

"I am doing very well, Phoebe, thank you so much for asking. Did you have a good morning?" Taehyung replies, yet she shakes her head no. Some of the other kids sigh in agreement with her while others just shrug.

"I had a nightmare,"

"Mommy made oatmeal for breakfast,"

"I couldn't find my favorite socks..."

"My room was too cold–"

On and on the complaints go, and Taehyung lets them. He listens to every one of their complaints and concerns with a sympathetic smile and a sweet word which they appreciate. Not many adults will listen to children, but it is nice to be heard from time to time which is why Taehyung lets them spend the first ten minutes of class complaining. However, he notices Ian does not say a word. Even when the two kids next to him mutter their concerns, he does not. He just stays silent, eyes glued to the floor, and hands clenched tightly in his lap.

"I'm sorry you guys had a rough morning. I know it can be very hard on these cold days to fully wake up, so that's why I want to read you one of my favorite books," Taehyung says, flipping open the old worn picture book. He starts to read, his deep voice lulling to many of the small children, and soon he has all of them enthralled. He keeps his eye on the kids, reading their body language and facial expressions, yet he notices how Ian tries to hide from him. He won't meet his gaze, he won't look at the book...he doesn't really show much of anything until Taehyung gets to the inspiring end and he can see tears in the corners of the boy's eyes. He wants to ask about it, but the recess bell rings and quickly every child jumps to their feet.

"Go slow, everyone, and don't push! I'll see you here after your break," Taehyung explains as the kids file out of the classroom. Ian is one of the first out, hurrying away from Taehyung and his peers. Taehyung sets the book on his desk before wandering over to Ian's bag and peeking inside. It is an invasion of privacy, yet in this case, it is a necessity. Taehyung sees that his bag is pretty much empty. No lunch, no school supplies, no special treat or toy. Nothing. He tries hard not to jump to conclusions when he wanders over to his desk and turns his computer on. He looks over the notes he had on Ian's parents: father works in the military and step-mother stays at home working remotely. They have Ian enrolled in every extracurricular activity imaginable, yet some instructors have noted in his chart that he has been distancing himself lately and is not as passionate in whatever activity they are doing. Before he can go through anything else, Taehyung's cellphone starts vibrating on his desk. He glances down, a bright smile instantly crossing his face when he sees it is Jungkook's picture popping up.

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