Chapter 3 Dothraki Wedding

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Seventeen years later, we find Daenerys on a balcony in Pentos, across the Narrow Sea.

“Daenerys, Daenerys! There’s our bride to be! Look – a gift from Illyrio. Touch it. Come on. Feel the fabric. Mmmm. Isn’t he a gracious host?” Viserys says to his sister as he comes into her room.

“We’ve been his guests for over a year, and he’s never asked us for anything.”

“Illyrio is no fool. He knows I won’t forget my friends when I come into my throne. You still slouch. Let me see.” Viserys says as he begins to pull off Daenerys' gown. “You have a woman's body now.”

“That's enough, Viserys, leave Dany alone,” Rhaesa says as she comes into Daenerys' room.

Viserys frowns, he turns to face his twin, “How dare you tell me what to do! Do you want to wake the dragon?”

Rhaesa smirks and moves to stand in front of Dany, “You are no dragon, you're only a spoiled brat.”

Viserys lifts his hand to slap his sister, “Try it, brother, only I will hit you back.”

Viserys falters. He huffs and turns to leave the room, “Get her ready, the savages will be here shortly,” He walks out and slams the door.

Dany lets out a relieved sigh, “Thank you, sister.”

“You don't have to thank me, Dany, we're sisters, and I will always protect you.”

“I wish you could protect me from this marriage. I don't want to marry the Khal. But Viserys says if I don't, we'll never go home. But at least I won't have to marry him,” Dany says without thinking then looks up at her sister, “Oh, Rhae, I'm sorry for saying that.”

“That's alright, Dany. Now, let's get you ready before we ‘wake the dragon,’” Rhaesa says and rolls her eyes.

Daenerys giggles and nods, she gets undressed and lowers herself in the scalding hot water. Rhaesa helps Dany bathe while her maid bustles around the room, getting scented oils for the bath and towels.

Daenerys is finished with her bath, Rhaesa brushes out her hair and helps her dress. They head downstairs to meet their brother and host.

Illyrio, Viserys, Rhaesa, and Daenerys wait outside the mansion for the arrival of Khal Drogo.

“Where is he,” Viserys asks.

“The Dothraki are not known for their punctuality.”

At that moment, a host of Dothraki come riding up. Khal Drogo wheels his stallion into the front.

Illyrio steps forward and greets them in Dothraki. *May I present my honored guests? Viserys of House Targaryen, the third of his name. The rightful King of the Andals and the First Men. And his sisters, Rhaesa and Daenerys, of the House Targaryen.*

While Illyrios speaks to Khal Drogo, Viserys speaks to his sisters, “Do you see how long his hair is? When Dothraki are defeated in combat, they cut off their braid so the whole world can see their shame. Khal Drogo has never been defeated. He’s a savage, of course, but he’s one of the finest killers alive. And you, Daenerys, will be his queen.”

Illyrio motions towards Dany, “Come forward, my dear.”

Khal Drogo watches as Daenerys walks toward him. She does not hesitate and looks straight at him, although there is fear on her face. Khal Drogo gazes at her. He looks up and locks eyes with Rhaesa.

“Vo, anha zala jin chiori vo jin nayat. (No, I want the woman, not the girl.)”

“What did he say?” Viserys asks.

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