Chapter 8

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"If you want your questions to be answered, then you better listen very careful, Eve."

The way he said my name, it drove me insane. It brought me back to that day many years ago. When I first met Lucifer. It was so sweet and caring. Our love was so strong, but evil is what had taken him from me. He became to powerful- that was all my fault. I let him in, I let him corrupte me.

I jsut sat there, staring at him. Waiting for him to tell me what the fuck he was doing here. But his eyes went soft and that's when I heard Finn.

"Chloe, what happened?" He asked as he stared blankly at me.

"Finn, do you remember anything about your life?" He looked at me, like I just look right into his head.

"I don't know how you know that, but no. I don't."

"Finn, you are..." I started to say when I heard him again.

"Do not fucking tell him, Eve." He said with so much anger in my voice, it scared the hell out of me.

"He fucking deserves to know the truth! You took his life away from him, Luci. He should be old, married with kids. You took that away because you wanted to take someone's life away. Give back his life, you took millions of years away from him. Finn Addams should be dead. "

"I love it when you call me" Luci"" he said as he smirked at me.

He knew what he was doing, he wasn't going to let Finn go without a fight. I will fight for Finn, even if he ends up killing me.

"Chloe, why do I keep blacking out?" he asked as tears filled his eyes. He was scared, he had no idea the evil he actually had inside him.

I was scared as hell for him. Because I am in love with him, beyond words.

"I can't tell you, Finn." I replied as he looked at me, no words coming out of his mouth. He was shocked that I couldn't tell him.

"So I tell you I'm in love with you, and this is how I am repaid? Lies? Have you been lying this whole time, Chloe?" He asked as tears rolled down his face.

"No, I have never once lied to you. I love you, Finn. But if I tell you this, he could kill you." I said as I grabbed his face in my hands and kissed him.

Electricity spread through my body, if this was what love was, I never wanted to live without it again.

"Oh, Eve, if only that was Finn you kissed." That disgusting voice I heard again, coming from the man I fell for so hard.

"Why are you doing this to me? I never did nothing to you." I said as tears ran down my face as my hands let go of his face and I was back to square one.

"Because you're mine, Eve. You left me once, you will never leave me again."

"Go back to hell, I didn't ask for this. I wanted to redeem myself. I wanted to be good, Luci. I regret pulling the Forbidden Fruit from the tree. I regret ever loving you." I said out of anger, I could see it hurt him more than anything. But he can't get away with this, he already took to much from Earth.

"Give him back." I snapped at him as I felt anger fill my body. I felt powerful, yet I had no idea why.

"There's the Eve I loved many years ago. Anger is the only thing that can give you power."

"I DON'T WANT THIS, LUCIFER!" I screamed at him as my hands started to tingle, I looked down and I see red light coming from them. It was like lightening was in my hands. Whatever energy I felt, it was because of him, I get why I left him. He always brought out the worst in me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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