Vol 1 Chapter 1 Y/n's day in Vale

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Takes place in the volume 1 of RWBY

???: " Well I was little my mother told me I was special. When I was 10 I left with my mother because it was dangerous. When I was 17 my mother died. Now I just go to my normal life as who I am."

3rd pov

At the town of Vale was a boy who looked like a poor boy. The was named Y/n Conner. Y/n was the son of M/n who died from Illness was now alone. He been walking from Vacuo to Vale because he could get jobs here. Although his name was unknown he then remembers about his mother saying to him.

M/n vision: " Remember Atlas is Skynet. Skynet will destroy humanity."

Y/n then bumped into the Dust till shop and he just enters. He looks to see dust everywhere and he just sigh. A old shop keeper then see until he gets his attention.

Shops keeper: " Welcome to dust Till shop what May I help you?"

Y/n: " No sorry but I don't need help.

The shopkeeper just went back to his work while Y/n was then stealing some of the magazines. He even try to steal some bags of dust so he can make more ammo. As he looks to see a red hood girl just reading her magazines but he then notice some men with top hats. A guy with a cane looks like the leader of his gang was going to rob the place.
Y/n then hides and got out his gun. He then looks at the girl who was still listen to her songs. The top hat guy then notice her doing her thing. He then touch her while she looks at him. Y/n then notice her. He then remembers the girl when he was 10 years old. He the knew her as Ruby. He then smiles to see he finally meets her but he doesn't want to see what he had been. It was then Ruby kicked the guy off. Y/n just sneaks out with stuff he then stole while the shop owner then ducked down. Y/n then sigh and walks away from the scene.


Somewhere outside the Bar a sphere then appear. It then dropped the man who is actually a machine. The T-800 then stand up and looks around. He then notice motorcycles that where park so he then enters. The T-800 then looks around to see a biker man with a black shirt. He then scans it and it matches better.

T-800: " I would like your clothes and your motorcycle."

The bikers then laugh until the first biker says something to him.

Biker : " You forgot to say please."

The biker guy put his cigar on the T-800 but he didn't felt any pain. He then punched him hard and grab his shirt. He then threw him far and hit him at the wall. The second one hits him with his stick and threw him to a window. The third grabs a knife and stab him but the T-800 grabs the knife and stab his shoulder. The third scrams in pain until some of the bikers ran away. Y/n went to him and take his clothes.

Minutes later

The T-800 was already wearing clothes and had a pistol that he stole it from a guy. He then got on his bike until the bar owner came and shot with his Winchester shotgun.

Bar owner: " You can't just take the man's wheel son. You better get off before I put you down."

The T-800 then got out the bike and walked to him.

Bar owner: " Ok what do you do now?"

The T-800 grabs the man's gun and walks to him. It was then he grab his glasses and put them on. He then went on his bike and rides out. The T-800 then searches the man who is going to be the future of the resistance Y/n Conner.


Y/n was now at the floor sitting and making his home out of stuff he found. He then took out a picture of him, Ruby, and Yang.

Flashback about 10 years ago

Y/n was out on his trip doing his own adventure until he bumped into a blind girl.

Y/n: " Hey watch it."

Girl: " You watch it mister!!!"

Little girl: " Yang who is this boy?"

Y/n: " I'm just here for my adventure."

Yang: " Ohhh I see well good luck."

Y/n walks until he looked at the little girl.

Y/n: " Hey what's your name?"

Little girl: " Ruby?"

Y/n: " Ruby huh well someday I'll meet you later."


Y/n puts his picture away and took a nap. He then wanted to find a way to meet his two good friends later on.

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