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3rd Person P.O.V

After Mikoto had died in Hylia's arms she cried but then realized she had to save her baby. She held her stomach while rushing to the hospital. When she got to the hospital she told the nurse that she was pregnant and that she was bleeding. The nurse quickly hurried her to the operating room.

Hylia was hysterical because she thought she was going to lose the only thing she had left from her husband. Soon Hylia was put under anesthesia and she fell asleep, 3 hours later she woke up and felt pain and looked at her stomach.

She no longer had a big baby bump and saw stitches on the right side of her stomach, a nurse came in and Hylia wondered if her baby was dead or not. "What happened? Where's my baby?" "Calm down miss. You had a C-section and your baby is fine. I can bring your child in if you want." "Yes please I want to see my child."

The nurse then left and and Hylia sat in anticipation worrying if something could be wrong with the baby because she was too slow. The nurse wheeled in her child and Hylia cried as she saw it was boy with red hair. He looked so much like Mikoto to Hylia and that's what made her cry. The nurse handed Hylia's son to her.

He was absolutely perfect in Hylia's eyes, a beautiful baby boy

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He was absolutely perfect in Hylia's eyes, a beautiful baby boy. She held him tight and gave him kisses on the face and head. He opened his eyes and started to giggle causing Hylia to laugh as well. The nurse came back in and told Hylia that she could check out when she was ready. Hylia got dressed and held her son in her arms.

She headed to the front desk and filled out some papers, she then named her Kaito. She took out some money from her bag and then paid. She headed out of the hospital and quickly got her bags of money from Homra's bar.

She then headed to Scepter 4 to talk to Munakata, when she got there every member of Scepter 4 looked at her with wide eyes as she was covered in blood and was holding a baby. She entered Reisi's office and Munakata looked up. "I'm sorry Hylia but you know I had to. I'm glad to see you and your child are ok." "My son is going to grow up without a father. I have no where to go as I'm no longer Queen." "What do you need from me then?" "I need you to help me get home." "I can bring you home myself if you would like. What else?"

"My father is going to kill my son if he finds out about Kaito. I need you to place him on Yamato Island. I need to talk to the chieftain of the Summer Village." "Why there?" "It's a place my mother took me when I was younger. The chieftain has always wanted a child and I can't raise Kaito by myself." "I can arrange that. I'm sorry that your son has to live without you."

"My mother always told me that she loved having me. I once thought that an heir was something to secure power. A tool. But that all went away when I laid eyes on my son. He is so perfect and so much like his father."

"He really does look like Mikoto. He has his face and his hair. I will take good care of him." "Thank you Reisi. Don't worry about me I can get home by myself. Just take care of my son for me. That is my last order. I promise that I will never threaten your throne neither will my son."

"Your son will be as strong as you, Hylia." "I worry about him. I worry about his future. He is a King who will never be on the throne because of my father. I love him to death and I want to take him with me, but he would be killed because I married someone other than Shu."

"I'll make sure he's safe Hylia I swear I will." "Thank you Reisi for everything. I know that you did what you had to do. I just wish Mikoto would have listened to me." "I know, I had to kill a friend today. He and I never got along but he was the one person that could understand my dilemma."

"Mikoto will live on inside our hearts and inside my son. Kaito is the legacy that Mikoto planned, I just wish he was here to see it." "I wish so too." Hylia handed Kaito to Reisi, kissed him on the forehead and then proceeded to head out. Before she left though she turned around and kissed him again. "I'm sorry Kaito. I can't raise you by myself. Just know that your mommy loves you and I always will. I'll come visit you when I can. Your daddy loves you too."

Kaito giggled and Hylia cried while smiling, "I love you baby. You'll always be my precious baby boy." Reisi had a sad smile on his face as he saw Hylia get up and head out the door. Hylia called the limo driver and told him to pick her up.

While Hylia was waiting she looked around her as she remembered the memories that her and Mikoto made together. She thought about how she was leaving her family when they needed her most but she couldn't do anything as she was no longer Queen. She thought about how she was going to explain something when she arrived back home.

It had been almost a year and a half since she ran away and needed to come up with a story to cover up the fact that she had a son. She decided on a story and then by the time she did the limo had arrived.

She got into the car and looked out the window as she was leaving the city. She wondered if her father was going to be there as Subaru hasn't message her in almost 7 months. She saw the settings change from cities to open land fields. She then proceeded to look at her phone, she saw that Kusanagi had messaged her if she was alright but Hylia didn't want to answer so she threw her phone out the window.

She would get a new one later as she didn't want her father to find out anything about where she had been or what she did. Soon enough she was in her home region of Nippon as she looked out of the window and saw all the places that she used to go with her mother. The limo eventually pulled up to the Sakamaki Mansion and Hylia stepped out. She took her luggage and stood in front of the door. She took a deep breath and then headed inside ready to face her family again.

End of Book 1

A/n: Thank you so much for reading Book 2 will be started soon. I can't wait to start. I hope you enjoyed. Love you all.

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