Chapter 21: Fallen Angel

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3rd P.O.V

Hylia was now 4 months pregnant and Mikoto wouldn't let her go out on any missions anymore because of the baby's health. Hylia was always monitored by her fellow clansmen and she hated the feeling of being trapped in her own home. Tatara would always come by and try to entertain her with movies or videos he recorded.

But nonetheless she could not be cheered up, so one day she decided to take a walk to Shizume Shopping center. When she got back from her walk she saw her husband standing in front of her with his eyes red with fire. "What did I say Hylia? I don't want you going out by yourself. Think about yourself and our baby please?"

"I'm fine lion. I didn't walk that far and nothing happened so why should you over think it ?" "Don't disobey me again Hylia you're starting to test my patience with you." Mikoto headed upstairs and went to their shared room.

Hylia sighed and made her way up the stairs and headed into her room. She headed to her closet and changed into a tank top and sweatpants. She then laid down on her big bed and closed her eyes. At 10 o'clock she had gotten up because she felt pain in her stomach she quickly made her way to the bathroom to see if she was bleeding.

When she discovered it was just cramps she relaxed and headed downstairs to go get a nice cool glass of water. On her way up she ran into Tatara who was going somewhere with his camera, "What are you doing with your camera so late Tatara?" "Oh hello Hylia. I wanted to get a video of the lights on top my favorite building." "So late Tatara? You know that it can be very dangerous this time of night."

"I'll be fine Hylia. It's not going to kill me if I have a little fun once in a while." "Just be safe for me ok? I love you like a brother and I worry about you." "I will, I promise. Bye Hylia." "Tatara wait." Tatara turned to face the young girl and saw that in her hand she was holding something. And that something was a beautiful gold and copper necklace with Hylia's mother's symbol on it. Hylia took it with her because her mother had given it to her and thought it was better suited for Tatara.

 Hylia took it with her because her mother had given it to her and thought it was better suited for Tatara

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"I want you to have this. It was my mother's but it never really fit me. I think it's better suited for you than me." "Hylia... I don't know what to say. Thank you. I feel honored that you would even consider me to have this." "You're like my brother and as a sign for my love I want you to have it and wear it with pride."

Tatara hugged Hylia and then took the necklace from her hands and then started to try and put it on. After she saw that Tatara was struggling Hylia decided to help him out by doing it from behind. After she had successfully put on the necklace she gave Tatara a hug and held on for a little bit.

"Thank you Hylia. I will cherish it forever."  Tatara waved goodbye and then headed down the street, Hylia then headed back upstairs to get some sleep. Sadly that did not last for that long, around 12 o'clock Hylia got a call from Kusanagi. "Queen I've got some bad news to tell you."

Tatara had been shot and he was bleeding out, Hylia rushed out of the bed, woke up Mikoto and headed to the hospital Kusanagi told her that they had taken Tatara to. The two then entered the hospital entrance and asked where Tatara was staying.

Tatara laid in the bed almost looking lifeless, this sight caused Hylia to tear up looking at her best friend who seemed to be at Death's door. "Who did this Izumo?" "Tatara was filming before he was shot it's on the camera." Kusanagi held up the camera that she had gotten Tatara just a few months ago.

She grabbed it out of Kusanagi's hands and immediately started watching the video. She saw a man with white hair shoot Tatara and saw that he called himself the Colorless King. She put the camera down and walked over to Tatara gently moving the hair from his face and kissing him on the forehead.

Yata then came in the room covered with Tatara's blood as he was the first one who found Tatara, Hylia ran up and hugged him causing Yata to break down and sob. Over the next few days everyone in Homra was worried about Tatara. He had been in critical care since the New Year, and the whole clan had still not found the Colorless King.

Mikoto had been out for days at a time and sometimes came back after midnight, which worried Hylia. She had gone searching as well despite Kusanagi's pleas, she had even gone to the Blue King in search for help but even Munakata could not find the Colorless King. She returned home to find an angry Mikoto waiting for her in their shared room.

"Hylia, what did I say about going out alone?" "Not to do it I know but I was searching for that bastard like the rest of my clan." "Hylia you're pregnant, you shouldn't be doing these kinds of things right now." "I hate feeling useless Mikoto I will search for tat bastard and get justice for Tatara if it's the last thing I do."

"Well guess what that is the last thing you did. I am now having Eric, Bando and Yata watch you 24/7 because while I'm not here I want you to be safe." "I am not a prisoner, I am doing this for my brother." "I AM YOUR KING, YOUR HUSBAND AND THE FATHER OF YOUR CHILD. I AM DOING THIS FOR THE SAFETY OF THE BOTH OF YOU."

Hylia flinched at her husband's tone of voice and then stormed out of the room, she headed outside and went to Scepter 4. When she arrived she was greeted by Seri, "Hello Hylia, what can we do for you today?" "Hi Seri, I hope it isn't too much to ask but do you think I can stay with you tonight?"

"Sure no problem just give me a minute to get my stuff and then we can head out ok?" Hylia nodded and sat in ac hair gently rubbing her baby bump. While she was waiting she saw the Blue King make his way to her. "Well, well if it isn't the Sakamaki Queen." "Hello Reisi, what can I do for you?" "You took the words right out of my mouth." "I'm waiting for Seri I'm staying with her for tonight."

"Oh, and may I ask why?" "Mikoto's just being too controlling right now. I mean we're all on edge after Tatara got hurt but Mikoto just takes it to far sometimes." "I understand, well you're welcome back anytime Hylia." "Thank you Reisi I'm glad this alliance thing worked out." "I am surprised that you formed and alliance with your husband's enemy though." "I am too but I'll keep your secrets if you keep mine."

Seri came back and the two girls headed to Seri's apartment and then when they reached it they set up a sleeping area and made dinner. The next day Hylia woke up and thanked Seri for letting her stay and then headed home. She dreaded seeing Mikoto but she knew that she needed to go home. When she got home she immediately went to her bedroom and saw Mikoto sleeping peacefully on the bed. She cuddled up next to him and wrapped her arms around his waist taking in his warmth.

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