Chapter Sixteen: Christmas Miracles

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3rd Person P.O.V

Months had past since Hylia and Mikoto got together, it was December and Christmas was around the corner. Homra decided to do a Secret Santa raffle and all bought gifts for a specific person. Hylia had gotten Tatara and decided to get him a movie camera since he was into old movies and videos. Tatara had always been so cheerful and rambunctious since Hylia came to Shizume City. He always made everyone smile and he was like an older brother to Hylia, she remembered Christmas when her mom was still alive. Her father and her brothers would decorate the tree while Hylia and her mothers would wrap gifts and bake gingerbread houses. She missed her old home at times but shook the thoughts from her head and kept moving on with her life.

It was 3 o'clock and Hylia finished wrapping Tatara's gifts as well as Mikoto's, as the young couple had agreed they would get something small for each other. Hylia didn't really care about gifts and just wanted to be with the people she loved most. She headed downstairs and sat at the bar while Kusanagi was cleaning glasses and serving Mikoto his glass of whiskey. "Hey Izumo." "Hello Queen." "How many times do I have to tell you? I hate being called Queen, I'm not superior to anyone and it makes me feel like you only see me as a person above you and not as a normal person." "Fine. I'll stop." "Thank you."

Hylia went behind the counter and started to pour her own drink, Mikoto looked up at Hylia and raised an eyebrow. "Why are you drinking whiskey? You never do that. What's wrong?" "Just dealing with past memories about my mom and my old family. I'm just trying to numb the pain it brings to my heart." "Come here." Hylia walked over to Mikoto and sat on his lap and turned to face him. He kissed her on the forehead and then on the lips, he pulled away and wrapped his arms around Hylia's waist. He then whispered into her ear "I love you and if you ever need me just tell me ok?" Hylia nodded and pecked Mikoto on the cheek, she then grabbed two cigarettes from Izumo's stash and walked upstairs. When she got to her room she placed one in her mouth and lit it. She hid the other one in her underwear drawer and then sat on her bed looking at her phone. She decided she wanted to see Subaru for Christmas and decided to text him to see if he wanted to come be with her for the holidays.

Hylia: Hey Subaru

Subaru: Yes my precious little sister?

Hylia: Do you want to come stay with me for the holidays?

Subaru: Sure I would like to see you again and see how you're doing. When do you want me to come over?

Hylia: I don't know I have to ask Mikoto but maybe Christmas Eve?

Subaru: I'll be there. Just text me the address and the time. Also I gotta get you a present now right?

Hylia: You know I don't care about that but sure and I'll get you one too. I love you Subaru.

Subaru: Love you too.

Hylia put out her cigarette and headed back downstairs and jumped on Mikoto knocking him down. "What the actual fuck Hylia?" "Mikoto, you know that I love you right?" "Yeah I do know. Why?" "I might have told Subaru that he can come over for Christmas so can he stay the night here please?" "Fine." "I love you. I love you so much." Hylia kissed Mikoto on his cheek and ran to the couch. She laid down and put in her headphones and soon fell asleep. Mikoto chuckled at the sight of his girlfriend. He took a cigarette and took his lighter to his cigarette and lit it. "So we're gonna have plus two this year at our annual Christmas party this year?" "Yeah, I mean as long as Hylia's brother shows up." "Subaru was nice when I met him but when he first came here he was always looking around and was always checking if someone was watching them?" "What does that have to do with anything Izumo?" "I'm curious that's all. What I'm most curious about is Hylia's father. She said he was a senator and that he was a powerful man who couldn't deal with his family after Hylia's mother died. But my question is; Why would he make his daughter marry her older brother?" "I have no idea Kusanagi. He might be crazy." "I think there's something Hylia is keeping hidden about her family. I have never heard of a senator with 4 wives before."

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