chapter 12

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A/N: Hi guys! This chapter contains a little portion of what happened in the past. Enjoy and don't forget to share this story. Thanks!



"Don't get too close to me. I hate you!" I spat at Marco when he scooted over and then put his arm over my shoulders. I tried to shove him away but he didn't give me the chance to do so and just chuckled. I glared at him.

We're currently in his car going to only God knows where. All I know is we're in Australia. We've been driving for an hour already.

I looked at Falcon. He was the one driving but he'd been quiet the whole time as if we weren't there in the car with him. He was the bartender that I saw on the plane. Marco introduced him as hone of his bodyguards.

"Don't be like that. It's not my fault that I won the game." He answered nonchalantly even though I was glaring at him the whole time. Until now, I couldn't believe that he actually beat me in our game of chess.

I've never lost to anyone before, except to my father but now, Marco defeated me. I thought I already got him but he tricked me. While we were in the middle of playing, his amber eyes were fixed on me which made me lose my concentration and eventually got defeated by him.

I blinked innumerably when I felt him kiss my forehead which made my cheeks feel hot. He looked different. The heavy and dangerous aura around him were gone now. Ever since we were on the plane, he became calmer. He even smiles a lot now. I could tell that he's happy which was new.

He looked like a kid who got what he wanted for Christmas. I thought he wasn't capable of these kinds of expressions before but I was wrong. No, Maggie! You have to get way from him! You have Keith!

"Marco, your arm." I rebuked once again because our bodies were too close that I could even smell his manly scent but instead of removing his arm from my shoulders, he made me lean the side of my head on his shoulder.


"Shhh. Stay still." He said, ignoring my protests and then kissed the top of my head. I crossed my arms across my chest. His frame felt so big and strong compared to mine. He smelled so good and manly and I must admit, I liked his smell.

"I've never knew that you're capable of this kind of affection, Unu." Falcon spoke for the first time. He looked serious.

My forehead furrowed. "Unu?" I asked confusedly to him before looking at Marco.

"Falcon." Marco's voice became different and the expression on his face almost made me shiver coldly. The way he was staring at Falcon was so dangerous. I've seen him with this kind of expression before and that was when he chided at the employees who were talking about me behind my back.

Just like that first time, the feeling was the same. I felt like he suddenly transformed into another version of himself; a more dangerous Marco.

"Pardon me, Unu, but I just can't call you by your name just like that." Falcon explained right away; a little bit reluctant.

Marco was about to answer but I spoke. "What's happening here? I never knew that you have a nickname. It sounds weird." I tried to sound casual even though the air around us was evidently became thicker.

His face softened when he heard my voice. He looked at me as if he just realized that I was there with them. Gone that dangerous look on his face just now.

"Yes. It's just a crazy nickname. You don't have to remember it." He said with finality and I just nodded my head.

I looked outside. We were driving along an uncemented brown road and the dust was crazy. Thankfully, the car windows were closed.

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